Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their action let stand a decision by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond , Virginia , that property lost at sea can be abandoned only through the failure of insurers to appear in court or through a written statement relinquishing title .
3 Owen , significantly , makes repeated reference to the work of those who insist that ‘ schools do make a difference ’ .
4 This suggestion seems in the right neighbourhood , for if checkerboard solutions do have a defect , it must lie in their distinctive feature , that they treat people differently when no principle can justify the distinction .
5 Societies should always be aware when they are launched that life is not always sweetness and light when the pressure is on and constitutions should be framed so that disputes do arrive the framework for settlement already exists .
6 Nevertheless the OECD cautions that principles of equity do impose a limit to the possibilities for charging .
7 One school , led by S. E. Finer , claims that the parties do make a difference and that , because parties have become more partisan , this is regrettable .
8 So , " parties do make a difference in the way Britain is governed … [ but ] the differences in office between one party and another are less likely to arise from contrasting intentions than from the exigencies of government " .
9 The Human Factors specialist can rightly be accused of wanting to have a finger in every pie because , as he sees it , behavioural considerations do affect every design decision .
10 The exact relation of what we see on the vases to what was shown on the walls is something we shall have to consider , but that in some way these vase pictures do reflect the revolution in wall-painting can not be doubted .
11 Though it does not deny that subjects do have a duty to God to obey their ruler , it insists that rulers are not absolute , and themselves have duties to their subjects .
12 In experiments using British schoolchildren of the same age as Barron 's , selected according to similar criteria for being classified as " good " or " poor " readers , we have found that on a variety of tasks the poorer readers do show an ability to use the phonological codes for printed words ( Briggs and Underwood , 1982 ; Underwood and Briggs , 1984 ) .
13 ‘ The fact that no fewer than half the funds invested in small firms in Scotland comes from personal equity shows that Scots do have a flair for enterprise and a willingness to back their own judgment that is essential in every entrepreneur . ’
14 There is some doubt about whether historical data do show the existence of a regular cycle of approximately fifty years , but the idea has attracted much attention in the 1980s .
15 While the chances of a woman developing rheumatoid arthritis after a delivery are small , the researchers have nevertheless provided new evidence that hormones do play a role in some cases of the disease .
16 While we believe that their books do meet the criteria outlined above [ in the preceding paragraphs ] we have no doubt that so too do those of many authors who are favourites with children and teachers . ’
17 Suppose a judge then announces , in the style of law as integrity , that the precedents do establish a right to damages because that reading of the precedents makes them in retrospect morally sounder .
18 Worried that the Colonel might leap into army talk for which he had neither the preparation nor the inclination , Hope let flow a hand and beckoned in all about them .
19 Gedanken let go the button .
20 Suede shoes do take an effort to keep them looking good .
21 Other noises do infiltrate the cabin — the wind , the odd bump and thump from the suspension , and the constant rattle and clunk from the cabin fittings .
22 In some societies parents do select the marriage partner for their children , but we have very little say in the partners our children choose , however strongly we may feel on the subject .
23 Perhaps all judges do accept the authority of the Constitution as a matter of convention rather than as the upshot of sound political theory .
24 Many countries do spend a lot of money on military arsenals so that they can invade and terrorise other countries .
25 In truth , elephants and E. coli do have a lot in common , inasmuch as all organisms share fundamental pathways of cellular metabolism — such as protein synthesis or carbohydrate breakdown — as well as the genetic code .
26 I know a lot of the Iceland do have a recycling
27 However , most sites do create a VMS user to do the LIFESPAN Managerial and Administrative duties ( eg. starting and stopping LIFESPAN processes , validating LIFESPAN databases , running the Hard Copy system ) and allocate one or more UICs for the LIFESPAN Process(es) .
28 This is the shop as is self evident and one of the I said there were some benefits erm the stewards do get a discount in the shop .
29 The rest of the costumes do look a trifle … stale .
30 The long history of marriage and the family we are given in The Origin if first and foremost to show that the family and marriage do have a history .
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