Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [to-vb] from the " in BNC.

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1 The SFO only becomes involved in cases where more than £1 million is involved , and most cases tend to come from the DTI .
2 The majority of funds tend to come from the banking sector , although commercial bills are also important .
3 You also notice that Sebadoh are n't afraid to improvise live and that they 're so prolific , perfectly-formed new songs seem to drop from the sky .
4 Ice creams and lollies seem to benefit from the sharp wit of its frosting .
5 The time-travellers manage to escape from the Aridians and take off in the TARDIS , but the Dalek time-ship is in hot pursuit .
6 Signals have to come from the top , ’ explains , ‘ and chief executives and managing directors have to be hearts and minds behind it . ’
7 The bishops ' pre-occupation , too , was with structured administration , which the registers of their activities begin to record from the thirteenth century .
8 Two broad groups seem to emerge from the known evidence ( fig. 8 ) , each with a different level of impact on the defended area itself and on the extra-mural suburbs .
9 In her more recent works , avalanches of everyday objects seem to fall from the sky .
10 Vertical packages tend to be of a pioneering nature , whereas horizontal packages tend to result from the development of existing ideas .
11 Either the maquilas continue to buy from the United States and protect the jobs of US suppliers , or the maquilas buy in Mexico , and these jobs are lost .
12 When guests wish to withdraw from the safe deposit the original receipt must be produced and they must sign the receipt book as proof that they have received back the valuables .
13 The ideas have to come from the facts .
14 Why would a political assembly want to abdicate from the full sovereignty which in principle it possesses , and set limits on its own future actions ?
15 But uncertainty in the predictability of income , a fall in the real value of headage support ( Figure 2 ) notably for cattle , and the recent cost inflation continue to detract from the confidence required for long-term investment .
16 ‘ We are treading very cautiously because it is a very vexed question , and people tend to react from the gut , rather than the head , ’ he said .
17 The Republic 's Foreign Affairs Minister Dick Spring said today the new generation of Irish people want to escape from the shackles of the past .
18 Shock that people have to live from the garbage heap of a richer surrounding economy .
19 Both snail genes and fluke genes stand to gain from the snail 's bodily survival , all other things being equal .
20 Whereas snail genes stand to gain from the snail 's reproduction , fluke genes do n't .
21 Whether or not particular authors take industrialization to be the main engine of change , or whether they include other factors , such as urbanization and bureaucratization , three generally agreed themes seem to emerge from the writings of many sociologists of the family .
22 Three conditions must be satisfied before a charge to tax can arise under section 14 : ( 1 ) the taxpayer must carry on a trade , profession or business in Hong Kong ; ( 2 ) the profits to be charged must be ‘ from such trade , profession or business , ’ which their Lordships construe to mean from the trade , profession or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong ; ( 3 ) the profits must be ‘ profits arising in or derived from ’ Hong Kong .
23 However , Tizard does acknowledge that the issue is complicated by social inequality — children who come into care tend to come from the most powerless sector of society .
24 My examples tend to come from the part of the world where I live , but the same principles apply wherever you happen to be .
25 It is the trick one uses to make one 's own answer seem to come from the child .
26 Since a given project is very rarely repeated , project management is the business of managing variety ; benefits tend to flow from the effective exploitation rather than the reduction thereof .
27 Earlier biographies tend to suffer from the ‘ he was a genius therefore he must have been a saint ’ syndrome .
28 There is no truth that er ministers intend to withdraw from the I L O or to seek an opportunity to do so and despite T U C criticism , as I said earlier , we believe that our policies comply with all the I L O conventions which we 've ratified and as my honourable friends have pointed out , our overriding objective is to ensure the maintenance of continuous operations at G C H Q which is vital to the protection of national security .
29 If the kick is too hard the crampons tend to rebound from the ice , and a hard kick can be painful on the toes .
30 When several crimes appear to emerge from the facts of a problem , it is best to start your answer with the gravest crime that seems clearly to have been committed .
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