Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Today beaches are not quite so safe , for hordes of gulls and small wading birds congregate to share the prodigal feast .
2 It is the consonant sounds which make speech intelligible ; therefore it is not surprising that people who lose the high frequencies tend to hear the voice but not to be able to distinguish words .
3 However , if farms remain profitable , yield-increasing technologies tend to mask the effect of soil degradation and erosion and make up for declines in fertility that would have occurred if land had been cultivated with a constant level of technology .
4 Fighting begins when they learn the Daleks intend to pollute the atmosphere with even more radioactive fallout , which will kill the Thals .
5 Animals that are too aggressive , too daring , or too timid for their own good in terms of reproduction are gradually eliminated so that in a stable environment the median values tend to become the population norms .
6 Functionalists tend to see the relationship between social groups in society as one of cooperation and interdependence .
7 The researchers intend to monitor the progress of cases through the various legal stages .
8 So many groups want to visit the plant , which was stricken by a now notorious accident to its reactor in 1979 that its owner , General Public Utilities , has a waiting list .
9 In my work with church groups on the subject of bereavement , I have repeatedly found that such groups Want to discuss the subject of suicide .
10 Usually , the study points out , the creditors expect to get the lion 's share of any debt relief .
11 There are dissenting voices among the 360 women undergraduates at Somerville , but the vast majority want to preserve the college 's single sex status .
12 There are dissenting voices among the 360 women undergraduates at Somerville , but the vast majority want to preserve the college 's single sex status .
13 Recent movements of the dollar and yen by contrast appear to reflect the absence of international policy coordination .
14 Such patterns appear to reflect the way in which the lithosphere fractures as magma forces its way up to the surface .
15 Thus in Figure 17.4 , if the authorities want to raise the rate of interest from r 1 to r 2 , their actions in the discount market outlined above will reduce money supply from Q 1 to Q 2 , to ensure that r 2 is an equilibrium rate of interest .
16 First , the constitutional authorities want to limit the sovereignty of Parliament by law ; second , they want to reinvigorate the various checks on the power of a democratically elected government through changes designed to bolster a more " balanced " constitution ; and third , they look to the checks implicit in a genuine revival of Parliament and parliamentary government .
17 Hereford want to end the season on a winning note .
18 Moreover lists tend to facilitate the election of women .
19 Since people 's self-assessments tend to reflect the way they wish they spoke , Trudgill took it that women wished to identify themselves with a higher social class , and thus that their status aspirations were higher than men 's ( with male informants he found the opposite tendency , which will be discussed later on ) .
20 These considerations tend to blur the distinction somewhat .
21 They are aware that designer labels are no passport to instant glamour and that designers tend to recycle the past anyway .
22 Labour tend to regard the health service as some enormous trade union .
23 In fact , very large waves , whatever their frequency , tend to erode the beach , while small waves tend to build the beach up .
24 Documents declassified under the 30-year rule tend to confirm the wisdom of his early years in politics .
25 It did n't take journalists long to catch the drift of Krushchev 's remarks and reports started to circulate that a British frogman had tried to spy on the Russian ships .
26 Quite often all these sorts of considerations interact to influence the operation of discretion , as illustrated by the following incident , which concerned a road traffic accident ( an RTA ) towards the end of a shift .
27 A MORI poll of members of the big six published on May 17th showed that 65% want to keep the union/Labour link .
28 Labour want to take the shadow of gloom away .
29 The theoretical models reflect the strengths and weaknesses of modern game theory : they provide a rigorous characterization of what ‘ credible punishment ’ might mean , and a formal analysis of the way in which discount rates and demand , capacity , and cost parameters interact to determine the sustainability of tacit collusion .
30 The college want to make the sale , sanctioned by the Charity Commissioners last summer , to set up an endowment fund for maintenance , restoration and refurbishment of Royal Holloway 's Founder 's Building , as well as for the upkeep and security for the remaining pictures .
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