Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Did the experience of plenty bring about a fundamental change in the American or British character ?
2 Like many animals , birds build up a mental map of their home area from sight , sound and other cues .
3 Moto-cross is a sport where off-road motorcycles race around a natural , rough course with man-made jumps and other obstacles .
4 The latter two are vital in controlling particulate ( soot ) emission , as burnt oil and sulphates make up a significant chunk of the black stuff that swirls away from the exhaust stack .
5 Bad luck on the Liberal Flemish Freedom and Progress Party ( PVV ) and the Francophone Liberal Reform Party ( PRL ) , who got left out and with a handful of other minority parties make up a discordant opposition .
6 Should the change in relationships bring about an unexpected clash with yet another component domain , then it may be sufficient to display only the excursion boxes .
7 All the leaves that fall into the pond congregate around the loosened wire for me to collect up in a simple once daily netting session .
8 Winds blowing over lakes pick up a tremendous amount of moisture which is then precipitated downwind of the lakes .
9 But opera , whether their texts are well-written in the conventional literary sense or not , have almost no value as plays , and their librettos make only a shadowy sense away from their music .
10 Inside , the great piers curve up the interior space and emphasise the verticality of the design .
11 Bonuses make up an important part of their total annual earnings .
12 Six staff and one agent make up the full complement which , as Anders Falkman said , ‘ has strength in a team approach , it is all hands on deck and a good atmosphere ’ .
13 Kids bring out the natural father in me and I get a crinkly mouth every time I look at an ankle snapper .
15 Pesticides kill off the beneficial insects as well as the destructive ones creating an imbalance in nature and wasting valuable assets .
16 If he can look that prospect squarely in the eye and both parties cut out the cheap jibes , they will see that they are talking the same language .
17 Common Fallacies Show why the following statements are incorrect .
18 Common Fallacies Show why the following statements are incorrect : ( a ) The only reason for taxation is to provide for shirkers by penalizing people who do an honest day 's work .
19 Common Fallacies Show why the following statements are fallacious. ( a ) Monopolies make profits and must therefore be well-run companies .
20 Though fascist candidates put forward a strong campaign in the London County Council elections of March 1937 , their six candidates for the three two-member divisions of Bethnal Green North East , Shoreditch and Limehouse were defeated and they received less than 20 per cent of the vote .
21 Overwhelmingly , the data show how the general moves towards liberalisation , described in earlier chapters , can be seen in individual policies ( Contractor , 1990b ) .
22 Er the company through the Training Centre and the Personnel Department put together a personal development plan .
23 These honours subjects range over the whole field of legal interest .
24 Confrontation with the United States was followed by the more dramatic confrontations with the French at Moruroa atoll where the goaded French beat up Greenpeace 's skipper , McTaggart , rammed a protest boat and eventually murdered a photographer who went down with the sabotaged Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour in July 1985 .
25 That result has helped Ardiles 's side open up a two-point lead over Frank Stapleton 's Bradford City at the top of the Second Division .
26 But nearly 3 million people already come to the city every year and some argue traditional images attract only the short-term visitor , who spends little and uses Oxford as a colourful bus-stop .
27 LMS delegates to schools control over the major part of their budgets .
28 In this case the animals get quite a good deal , but in neither case do they contribute much to wealth .
29 The Society of Authors set up a powerful lobby , which convinced a Parliamentary Committee that the common law of obscene libel should be replaced by a modern statute which afforded some protection to meritorious literature .
30 She turned in time to see his warm dark eyes rake down the shimmering black silk dress that whispered around her slender body .
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