Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 David O Selznick no longer owned a part of him .
2 Any consideration of the knowledge and skills debate almost inevitably leads to attempts to clarify the nature of the social work task itself ( Gordon and Schutz , 1977 ; Gross et al . ,
3 It is noteworthy that only London Authorities appear as most deprived by these criteria .
4 But development is going on apace and many new houses appear where once stood fields and open spaces .
5 Controlling activities arc so closely linked to Planning and Decision-making activities that it would be advisable to study the next two chapters in conjunction with Chapters 16 and 17 .
6 How these claims and dependencies are reconciled , how the views of the different disciplines fit consistently together to give a total picture of the one world of experience is a problem both vast and baffling .
7 The Saturday Review rather patronizingly commented that it was ‘ agreeably written ’ , and ‘ recommended to general readers ’ .
8 The advantage of the group system is that it ensures that members of the respective parties put forward clear cut views at the meetings of the council .
9 The West Country woollen districts seem unusually well documented on these matters , but there is evidence from other trades .
10 large plates of rock seem only marginally attached as I follow the rope tugging gently from over my shoulder .
11 The prevalent analyses of causation seem justifiably only to allow events and possibly agents as causes .
12 ‘ … the designers set out deliberately to create a pedestrian dominated area … short culs-de-sac ( gave ) access to several small courtyards- , around which a half dozen or so houses were grouped quite informally .
13 It is dispersals of this People 's University of books bequeathed by the Victorians and their successors up to the postwar years that are the real reason for the library 's losing its soul , as Richard Hoggart so aptly put it .
14 You will notice that as your legs speed up so do your arms .
15 And I would be interested just to know how many performances do n't actually break even .
16 This reveals that these words do not just carry information about proportions but also about speakers ' expectations , and even speakers ' expectations about hearers ' expectations and so on .
17 But whatever we call it , this sense that words do not just have their face-value meaning , but are to be critically interpreted as indicators of tone and attitude , is an essential part of James 's technique .
18 ‘ Cold-blooded words do n't necessarily betoken a callous nature , as you should be well aware by this stage in your training .
19 Words do n't always hit the mark , do they ?
20 Soaps do n't usually focus on characters like this , people who grew up with the idealistic values of the 1960s and early 1970s , who have put off having children until their thirties , who worry about the environment but also worry about how they 're not managing to do enough about it .
21 Official materials and guidelines do not always find favour with parents and governors .
22 In other words ‘ primitive ’ peoples do not simply construct words and meanings in relation to the felt needs of everyday life but classify according to more general intellectual interests and concerns .
23 In some countries a large majority of the electorate do not even exercise the right to vote .
24 Given that many rural schools do not even have properly equipped science laboratories , it is hard to see how they will be able to afford equipment for carpentry , metalwork and building .
25 Secondary schools do not always tell primary schools in detail what they do in terms of pupil development on either the curricular or the personal plane nor do primary schools always set out to learn what comes next .
26 Parents are expected to have total confidence in the school yet schools do n't often reciprocate trust and confidence in the judgement and goodwill of parents .
27 The funds do not merely guarantee you will get the full rise in the index over the period you have chosen ; they also ensure you get the highest bid price that the fund achieves at any point while the investment is running .
28 Visitors to the resorts on the Dalmatian coast do not always realise the poverty and backwardness which lie over the mountains only a few kilometres away from the bright lights of Split , Zadar and Šibenik .
29 Perhaps it should also be remarked that algebraic type D solutions do not necessarily have horizons rather than singularities , a counterexample being one of the degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez ( 1987 b ) solutions .
30 Admittedly , solutions do not always demand extensive delving into the past .
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