Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] on to the " in BNC.

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1 Television and radio carried brief reports , while the the story squeezed on to the front page of the national evening newspaper Izvestia , between larger accounts of the Congress of People 's Deputies , Russia 's row with Ukraine and an explosion at an Armenian arms depot .
2 Kate had somehow knocked over her cup , and tea spilled on to the tray , splashing her skirt .
3 This paper presents results for eighteen clients accepted on to the Special Development Team caseload , who were living in NHS mental handicap hospitals at the time of referral , eleven of whom had moved to staffed houses in the community .
4 Vision is a response to changing values in the intensity and wavelengths of light reflected on to the retina of our eye and transmitted to our brain by our optic nerves for decoding and interpretation .
5 They arrived in July 1547 and took the castle , after a brief siege featuring a spectacular air-battle in which the outer walls were battered by artillery hoisted on to the church steeple of St Salvator 's College and the abbey walls ; the lairds disappeared into prison in France , and Knox and others went to the galleys .
6 Both cars spun on to the grass outfield , Senna 's McLaren minus its left front wheel and Mansell 's car damaged badly enough to ensure his retirement .
7 As she was about to hand a cup to another air man , Peggy happened to jostle her arm and the tea sprayed on to the counter , splashing the man on the other side .
8 The first defendant passed on to the plaintiff this indication of interest by Mr. Perot .
9 Out of that curve , Doohan grabs another gear and the warbling exhaust note signals that the rear tyre is still scrabbling for grip as he shifts up again and aims at the daunting , sixth gear left on to the back straight .
10 On the London stage , the great roles will be plucked like plums , in the Welsh valleys his fame will swell like the fortissimo of a chapel organ and his acts of generosity , recklessness , coarseness and excellent manners tossed on to the fiery legend like dry logs .
11 The juggernaut bucked and the poet held on to the side to prevent himself being thrown around .
12 The longer that socialist parties held on to the old orthodoxies , the worse they have suffered .
13 But , although the construction company 's overlord continued to stay away , a day or two later a gang of his labourers moved on to the land which surrounded her house .
14 About 6,000 silk rosettes have to be made next , and these are stitched on the inside and outside of the garland before forty-eight red , white and blue ribbons with bells sewn on to the ends are attached .
15 On landing , the Ashdown mob spilled on to the apron and surrounded Kinnock 's plane , still singing and trying to persuade the party leaders to shake hands like opposing troops on the Western Front at Christmas .
16 York skyline painted on to the car by artist Paula MacArthur .
17 The tutor 's personal machine switched on to the cube .
18 The gun crews on its roof fled , and the commandos doubled on to the bridge ( 'G' ) across the Old Entrance lock into the submarine basin , holding this exposed position for half an hour under fire from 20mm guns on the roof of the submarine pens and other buildings on the west side of the basin .
19 As they passed through the town of Isserre , spots of rain spat on to the windscreen .
20 There he stood leaning against it , his arms outspread , one cheek pressed on to the black wood , with his breath coming in gasps , as if he had just surfaced from drowning .
21 ‘ Oh , the Cat Woman , ’ Nassim said casually , then yelled : ‘ Care-ful ! ’ as part of the window-frame dropped on to the bathroom carpet .
22 With a Newtonian reflector , therefore , the observer looks into the tube rather than up it , so that for pointing to a planet or a star it is usually helpful to have a small refracting telescope mounted on to the side of the tube to act as a finder .
23 Evans says that the title of Gospel Oak was in many places conferred on to the tree that , ‘ in for instance the Suffolk village of Polstead , has long outlasted the ceremony ’ .
24 Peter Cazalet 's travelling head lad rushed on to the course to lead the horse away as a bemused jockey was taken back to the weighing room .
25 Instead Ford has decided not to pass the Government 's tax cut on to the motorist but to pour it into its own pockets and profits .
26 The creature is often seen on the Idwal Slabs in North Wales and Stanage and Laddow Rocks in the South Pennines but has of recent years migrated on to the Craven limestone .
27 The body thrown on to the ambulance .
28 The prints spilled on to the carpet and as Sabine bent to retrieve them the young boy 's face seemed to glare directly up at her , challenging and inimical .
29 Lucifer pointed out to Eve the forbidden apple on the flat tree painted on to the back panel of the cart .
30 The boarding annexe at Burleigh was an unlovely square built on to the main house in the nineteen-twenties-it was the cause , in fact , of the original owner going bankrupt and being forced to forsake the licensed trade .
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