Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] from a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But overseas activities plunged from a £1 million profit to a £13.7 million loss , the losses on property development and housing grew by 70 per cent to £17.1 million .
2 In females it generally consists of a group of stout bristles which lies beneath the extended fore Wing and engages there in a retinaculum formed from a patch of hairs near the cubitus .
3 There 's a power cut ; the lights go out and we light candles and gas lamps and end up — a hard core of seven of us ; Andy , me , Howie , another two local lads and a couple of the traveller boys — down in the snooker room where there 's a beat-up looking table and a leak in the ceiling that turns the whole of the stained , green-baize surface into a millimetre-shallow marsh , water dripping from each pocket and dribbling down the bulky legs to the sopping carpet , and we play snooker by the light of the hissing gas lamps , having to hit the white ball really hard even for delicate shots because of the extra rolling resistance the water causes , and the balls make a zizzing , ripping noise as they race across the table and sometimes you can see spray curving up behind them and I 'm feeling really drunk and a bit stoned from a couple of strong Js smoked out in the garden earlier with the travellers but I think this dimly lit water-hazard snooker is just hilarious and I 'm laughing maniacally at it all and I put an arm round Andy 's neck at one point and say , You know I love you , old buddy , and is n't friendship and love what 's it 's really all about ? and why ca n't people just see that and just be nice to each other ? except there are just so many complete bastards in the world , but Andy just shakes his head and I try to kiss him and he gently fends me off and steadies me against one wall and props me up with a snooker cue against my chest and I think this is really funny for some reason and laugh so much I fall over and have distinct problems getting up again and get carried to my room by Andy and one of the travellers and dumped on the bed and fall instantly asleep .
4 Again , the liability depends upon the money or property in question being received in the ordinary course of the receiving partner 's activities within the firm and not upon any authority vested in himsee Willett v Chambers ( 1778 ) Cowp 814 ( misapplication of moneys received from a client for investment on mortgage , the client being billed in the name of the firm ) , Rhodes v Moules [ 1895 ] 1 Ch 236 ( partner absconding with bearer share warrants proffered by client as collateral security for a mortgage loan , where the firm was in the habit of receiving such securities from its clients ) and Blair v Bromley ( 1847 ) 12 Ph 354 ( misapplication of money by a partner who paid interest on it to the client , the fraud only coming to light on the partner 's bankruptcy .
5 Almost concurrently came the report of Geoffrey Boycott having his golf clubs lifted from a train and chasing after the thief as though in pursuit of one of his own runs .
6 Those taking part come from a variety of backgrounds and have spent several months or in some cases years receiving instruction in the faith , usually as part of a parish group .
7 These are essentially the notes of an F♯ minor arpeggio approached from a semi-tone below .
8 Until more conclusive evidence is available librarians will probably continue to use their own judgements in a particular local situation , allied to general guidelines formulated from a study of both use and date of publication .
9 The programme developed from a pilot study with four students per firm .
10 Two weeks before Christmas , however , an example of the feedback received from a school leaver was : ‘ I like the course very much , I like the autonomy it affords and the subject availability .
11 This means being able to take images received from a Macintosh and save them in a format known as PCX which programs such as CorelDRAW can import .
12 But as the Zurich-bound Boeing 727 of Libyan Arab Airlines headed towards Italian airspace , two F104 fighters scrambled from a base in Sicily to intercept it .
13 Vegetables , milk and bacon come from a 400-acre prison farm , Hollesly Bay Colony in East Anglia .
14 They smelt of sweat and tobacco and oil , and they picked their teeth with twigs torn from a bush .
15 Her own domestic incompetence ( which was indeed extreme , but what had Edgar expected from a wife with an upbringing like hers ? ) ,
16 The wind dropped from a screaming , gusting gale to a fresh breeze .
17 Tanker-mounted injectors are the most common , but there are also tractor-mounted injectors fed from a tanker running alongside and injectors fed from an umbilical hose system .
18 N-grams are legal letter string combinations collected from a dictionary or a corpus of text .
19 A line of washing , big white drawers and a pink headscarf hung from a Mamaluke window .
20 I remember running on the rolling lawns of Kikuyu grass before dinner , the night noises of the exceptionally vocal African insect life striking up as it quickly grew dark , night unrolling from the ground upwards ; bullfrogs — in fact all manner of rana and bufo-frogs the size of a pair of roiled-up rugby socks , toads with great horned eyebrows , and tiny , reddish , darting amphibians , starting to howl , shriek , growl , and purr , a backdrop to our dinner on the terrace to which we have been summoned by the stirring , thrilling , beating of a gong hung from a pair of tusks .
21 He was a tall stout man with a florid complexion , who looked well in vestments seen from a distance .
22 Although they do not need it to fight they are usually armed with a big club made from a tree trunk .
23 The principal methods of investigation are court data collected from a sample of court records and observation of affiliation and guardianship of minors hearings .
24 This study looks at the Housing Benefit review system , drawing on data collected from a number of sources .
25 LOTHIAN Region 's council tax will be lower than expected a a result of savings made from a year of spending restraints , it emerged yesterday .
26 LOTHIAN 's council tax will be lower than expected due to savings made from a year of spending restraints .
27 Yet despite the generally low-lying and frost-prone valleys of this region , there are some good Champagnes produced from a handful of vineyards well situated on the steeper slopes of hillsides ranging between 200 and 300 metres in height .
28 And the dozen handmade rugs bought from a tribeswoman in a remote village in Central Anatolia .
29 Each subject had 5 ml of blood sampled from a forearm vein immediately before and every 10 minutes for two hours after the onset of the meal .
30 Although infra-red light is invisible to the human eye , it can be detected by special photographic film ; in general , the amount of infra-red light reflected from a plant depends on its ripeness , so that infra-red photographs can produce good-contrast images of crop marks that may be hardly visible on ordinary photographic film or to the eye .
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