Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] from [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Ralemberg and his wife sprawled there , their throats gashed from ear to ear .
2 The pace of change differed from country to country : Poland , Romania and Bulgaria were effectively Soviet puppets by 1946 , but Hungary was only brought under Moscow 's control in mid-1947 and a coalition government survived in Czechoslovakia until February 1948 .
3 Opportunities for wives and children to contribute to the household income varied from place to place , though they were everywhere low paid .
4 These patterns varied from language to language , but only a limited number of such patterns seemed to occur , so that the same pattern of kinship terminology was found among totally unrelated peoples speaking totally unrelated languages .
5 Patterns varied from area to area , differed between industrial and rural areas , and between city and city , and a host of social factors have to be taken into account .
6 Of course , the response varied from council to council .
7 If I can put it in , not , I hope , in a boastful way , but to illustrate how important this is to us , about forty per cent , getting on for half of the income of the Education Area last year , was made up not of normal University funds , but of funds attracted from outside to support research from private foundations and from government departments like the Department of Education and Science .
8 The designs differed from country to country , but the general trend was from geometrical shapes — circles , triangles , quatrefoils — in the earlier period , to curved flamboyant forms in the later years .
9 It is worth noting , however , that just as the teaching force moved from co-operation to conflict , so did many of the local authorities .
10 The set is heard to best effect played from start to finish , so leave yourself a spare five hours , play it real loud ( on headphones so as not to disturb the neighbours , of course ) and it 'll form crop circles in your hair .
11 The set is heard to best effect played from start to finish , so leave yourself a spare five hours , play it real loud ( on headphones so as not to disturb the neighbours , of course ) and it 'll form crop circles in your hair .
12 The industry benefited from access to Japan Development Bank loans , and various tax concessions .
13 His eyes swept from side to side , probing the edges of the darkness .
14 The tall woman 's eyes swept from screen to screen .
15 The script cut from psychiatry to politics to history to Euro-moralising with dizzy speed ; film-clip collages of Hitler saluting , Hess ( or not-Hess ) in the mortuary , hamburger ads , crumbling buildings , a screaming man in seventeenth-century dress , and the widow miming Hess 's improbable suicide all chimed in an unholy jangle with the events on stage .
16 The plasma gastrin concentrations increased from group to group as expected from the dose given .
17 Fighting spread from bar to night-club along the narrow cobbled streets of the seedy riverside area as other sailors , including British seamen from the carrier , joined in and police were called in to keep the peace , he added .
18 His eyes wandered from object to object ; the facades of the buildings with their dark , secretive entrances , the boats again , the glitter of the restless water , the fishermen 's lights out in the middle of the stream , the faces of the other people taking their evening stroll .
19 She stole into the kitchen to find Sabina and beg some hot water in secret , before the others found her out ; Sabina giggled and her eyes flicked from side to side as Rosa described how she must have sleep-walked , how dangerous it was , how someone could have accidentally woken her and she might have fallen down , without being able to put out a hand to stop her fall , and died .
20 Is a short-term objective anything more than the tactics required from moment to moment in order to implement the over-all strategy that is going to lead to the long-term objective ?
21 The Germans had launched a counter-offensive against the Allied bridgehead at Anzio and air support , against enemy troop concentration and lines of communication , became vital in preventing loss of the bridgehead. 223 Squadron moved from Foggia to Biferno/Campomarino to join 3 ( South African Air Force ) Wing on March 13 and after one day to settle in to the new surroundings was tasked against the San Benedetto marshalling yards .
22 In the men 's singles contest , managed to get through to the semi final while in the triples contest , and from Draught Stout joined from Brewing to win through as far as the semi finals .
23 In 1972 a research paper by American scientists showed that the stable isotope ratios for oxygen and carbon in white marble varied from quarry to quarry , and more extensive research since then has confirmed that such measurements provide a ‘ signature ’ for the marble quarries of Italy , Greece and Turkey , which were the main sources of Classical marble .
24 The Abbot and over half the monks of Battle perished , eight of the thirteen canons of Mitchelham , most of the heads of religious houses , and up to half of the rest of the county 's population died within a few months , although the effects varied from community to community .
25 And where they were employed , their duties varied from place to place — some fulfilled judicial as well as financial functions , others might even have a military role .
26 The lord 's power to remove the inhabitants of a village varied from place to place .
27 Wages and conditions of work varied from firm to firm .
28 The parents separated from time to time and the father also served a prison sentence .
29 Normally the kingship descended from father to son , but if this was not possible a suitable claimant played the role of Horus in the funeral ceremonies .
30 ‘ Your new organs and glands have only one ultimate source — namely the gene-seed of the godly Rogal Dorn enshrined from generation to generation within the temples of our bodies .
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