Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] with the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 The other side protected with the latest anti theft devices .
2 the friars discovered that the Indians were deeply impressed by sacred images created with the newest artistic techniques brought from the Old World …
3 As measured by Quetelet 's Index , the range associated with the greatest life expectancy and lowest death-rate is 20–25 .
4 The British seeker lost in the German metaphysical jungle , the homecomer from Paris dinner-parties armed with the latest idea , or what he hopes may pass for that , are abiding images for fun-making ; and cultural insularity is a vice to be levelled against the British only by those who do not know them , though those who do sometimes have cause to wish it were true .
5 Sole practitioners are increasingly regarded with suspicion from officials armed with the latest statistics from the Disciplinary Tribunal .
6 There are CTCs in Middlesbrough and Gateshead where pupils are taught in ultra-modern classrooms packed with the latest equipment .
7 The steward left Cranston and Athelstan , who stood examining the exquisite hangings on the wall and a small cupboard full of manuscripts bound with the costliest leather and vellum .
8 These deposits on the Barrier and Korosi volcanoes were contemporaneous with very high lake levels that occurred throughout the Kenya rift between about 12kyr and 7kyr ago , and correspond to a humid climate associated with the latest glacial-to-interglacial transition of stages 2 to 1 in the marine 18 O record .
9 That we have three million full time employer ployees replaced by three million part time and self employed with the worst trained and education labour force of any attending the summit .
10 From 1971 to 1989 the number of people insured with the largest insurers , British United Provident Association ( BUPA ) , Private Patients ' Plan ( PPA ) and the Western Provident Association ( WPA ) , rose from 2.1 million to 5.2 million ( Central Statistical Office , 1990 ) .
11 For Mr Yeltsin , who had been under great pressure all week , it was a victory achieved with the smallest of concessions — a vague promise to loosen monetary controls and grant extra help to Russia 's poorest .
12 Here the management offers classic style combined with the best in Italian gracious living .
13 Among the more established bands , Four Idle Hands impressed with the best songs of the weekend .
14 Even though the country is now relatively peaceful , British diplomats still enjoy the protection of British Royal Military Police equipped with the latest in machine pistols and bullet-proof vehicles .
15 Others were RAF or Navy veterans — a must for villains equipped with the latest hardware .
16 R/000/23/1142 The primary aim of this project ( which we call Project SUSANNE — ‘ surface and underlying structural analyses of naturalistic English ’ ) was to create a sizeable machine-readable sample of written English annotated with the fullest possible grammatical information and selected semantic information , in order to provide language researchers with a source of information ( including statistical information ) about patterns of usage in authentic English .
17 On average , they get nearly 11 prescriptions per head per year compared with the lowest figure of six for the North West Thames region .
18 Mr. Ashworth and Mr. Harvey McGregor none the less submit that , so far as the common law of England is concerned , the position crystallised with the latest actual decision in the United Kingdom before the enactment of the Act of 1976 , that is the decision in 1891 of a Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division in Ireland in Walker v. Great Northern Railway Co. of Ireland ( 1891 ) 28 L.R.Ir. 69 .
19 Exquisite , too , is the 14C rock crystal flagon , possibly French , and the superb 13C cross decorated with the finest filigree work .
20 Teaching takes place in new purpose-built accommodation including a suite of laboratories equipped with the latest hardware and software .
21 For example , the Eskimos , who as hunters and fishermen are right at the bottom of Marx 's and Engels 's technological scale , have a kinship terminology which does not classify relatives any more than the English system does — a sign for Morgan of the presence of monogamy — while the Malays , who have possessed for a very long time highly advanced agricultural techniques , use a kinship terminology which Morgan and Engels associated with the earliest stages of evolution .
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