Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] with [art] first " in BNC.

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1 What was needed was a simpler more speedy procedure and so Parliament intervened with the first Public Health Act in 1848 , the forerunner of modern public health legislation .
2 Now is n't that an anonimous vote compared with the first one ?
3 The Japanese committee 's work ensured that at launch there were 17 different discs available , including a multilingual dictionary bundled with the first players sold .
4 8 Sunday settled this book and wrote letter — 24 plates done with the first ground in 32 days — I think when the days get long — one of these plates may be done in a day …
5 All this has resulted in our profit for the Division being significantly higher in the second half compared with the first half of the year .
6 If the originator has provided some issue identifiers in the SPR , it is sent to the manager of the package associated with the first valid issue referenced .
7 the package associated with the first valid Issue referenced
8 If the originator has provided some issue identifiers in the SPR , it is sent to the manager of the package associated with the first valid issue referenced .
9 Moreover , the contract compared with the first operation some three years ago was most significant .
10 This study , carried out in an Italian series of patients accurately selected for the absence of other known aetiologic factors , and the presence of well established serum markers of autoimmunity , confirms previous observations made with a first generation ELISA that a wide overlap between the two above conditions does occur .
11 The lexicon supplied with the first ANLT contained 6,800 morphemes and suffered from omissions .
12 Surely , however , the court dealt with the first stage wrongly .
13 Following on from last month 's article covering problems at foaling , this month I will look at some common veterinary problems associated with the first four weeks of a foal 's life .
14 ‘ It 's the start of a thing that 's sweet , ’ he told Tom one evening drawing on a long pipe filled with the first pluckings of their own tobacco .
15 ’ N'Grabbit depressed a button on the unit she held in her hand and a new graphic merged with the first ‘ … you can see that he has been somewhat over-confident in his predictions .
16 Mackworth ( 1950 ) , within his classical studies of vigilance , showed that without knowledge of results the proportion of detected signals decreased in succeeding half-hours compared with the first half-hour , but for subjects given knowledge of results there was no deterioration compared with the first half-hour through the full two hours of the study .
17 Mackworth ( 1950 ) , within his classical studies of vigilance , showed that without knowledge of results the proportion of detected signals decreased in succeeding half-hours compared with the first half-hour , but for subjects given knowledge of results there was no deterioration compared with the first half-hour through the full two hours of the study .
18 He fell silent as the door to the dining room opened and one of the maids entered with the first course .
19 The oral papillae appear to be arranged in two series : a superficial series edging the side of the jaw and a series within the mouth slit which might be oral tentacle scales associated with the first and second oral tentacle pores .
20 This is consistent with the observation that while there is a significant mortality associated with the first variceal bleed ( 20% Child 's B patients ) survival rate from subsequent bleeds is substantially better .
21 I looked down in misery tinged with the first real touch of hatred I had ever felt .
22 The smoothness with which the financial system dealt with the first oil shock surprised most people and suggested that the new floating exchange rate regime might cope better with large shocks of this type than the adjustable peg system would have .
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