Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] for [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 This year 's theme is Museums and the Environment and a database will be set up on projects completed for the 18 May .
2 Buchsbaum and Fedio ( 1970 ) , for example , reported that the visual evoked response to lateralised presentation of words and nonsense patterns differed for the two types of stimuli , most markedly over the left hemisphere .
3 At the Suffolk elections of 1705 and 1710 , 80 per cent of the clergy voted for the two Tory candidates .
4 The first new boat built for the 1993–94 race has been launched in Auckland .
5 As they peeled back the debris of centuries , complete houses and workshops emerged , still containing everyday tools , utensils and clothing from a civilisation buried for a thousand years .
6 However , the figures of 2,561 drivers humiliated for a 3.2 per cent return were only the average over the previous three years in Nottingham .
7 This compares with just over £15m raised for the 1987 election .
8 A large ( 33 million word ) corpus was taken and sets of ten nearest neighbours of words derived for the thousand most common words in the corpus .
9 A pundit of the Electoral Reform Society , noting that the French Socialist manifesto produced for the 1981 general election envisaged twenty-one separate reforms , has claimed that the STV would have enabled voters to show which of them they approved of .
10 Concern has been raised in Parliament today and the Social Security Select Committee called for the eight month old agency to be overhauled .
11 Incubation time and concentration of cytokines were chosen according to optimal responses known for the ICAM-1 upregulation on other tumour cell lines .
12 A similar haze lies over the woods used for the two different models .
13 Editors invented elaborate textual corruptions to explain this , claiming for instance that Shakespeare had written two different versions of Brutus 's reactions and that the text used for the 1623 Folio ( where the play first appeared ) had mistakenly copied them both .
14 What would the grand old man of travel have made of the thirty nine days scheduled for the 1991 world tour ?
15 The figures calculated for the two pilot sites implementing the cuts should be a national benchmark .
16 The return of Philip Gray , who missed that game , should provide extra the extra firepower needed for a two or three goal victory .
17 By the time of the changes introduced for the 1990s , they had died away .
18 The high transverse velocities inferred for the three pulsars may be avoided by assuming that the pulsar and SNR are much older ( by 10 times ) than the characteristic spin-down time , so that the remnant is in the older radiative phase for which Shull et al.
19 Queues stretched for a hundred yards yesterday as season ticket holders lined up for tickets for the Hillsborough semi-final on April 5 .
20 The offender arranged for the two girls to swim at a local swimming pool where he was employed as a cleaner after it had closed .
21 Vauxhall 's new Astra Convertible offers sun lovers wind-in-the-hair driving with convenience , safety and security features designed for the 90s .
22 In contrast , residual vision in humans is usually tested with relatively fine stimuli presented for a hundred or so milliseconds .
23 Attracted by newspaper publicity ( the company did not bother to advertise ) 3000 people applied for the 20 jobs that were available .
24 It was not satisfactorily accommodated by the new constitution introduced for the 1979 election , as indicated by the return to military rule in 1984 .
25 Binary code compiled for the 80486 will run on Pentium with a 10% performance loss and binary compiled for Pentium will run on the 80486 .
26 But in the leisure economy projected for the 1990s young people will be the workers — low paid , low skilled , subservient .
27 Some 67 boys and 38 girls applied for the 14 and Under event with 30 boys and 25 girls for the 11 and Under , sufficient to run two separate tournaments .
28 It used to be the case that games written for an 8086 processor were unplayable on a 286 machine , so developers included special code in their programs which would slow the game down to make sure that , as far as possible , the game played at the same speed on every class of machine .
29 My only quibble is the preference shown for the 1942 set of the Preludes when the earlier 1933 recording seems to me infinitely superior ( available on EMI CD 1/89 ) .
30 The selectors opted for a 13 back-17 forward team split , forcing Wright into the utility role of wing-cum-fullback .
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