Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] in the first " in BNC.

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1 A number of missions owe their existence to the initiative and financial support given in the first place by the Association .
2 For example , one of the skills developed in the first few years of life involves the integration of data arriving through the different sensory channels .
3 Hungary 's exports plunged in the first quarter of 1993 .
4 Many of the tales and sketches included in the First and Second Series were extensively revised , and sometimes retitled , from their first periodical appearance .
5 This is still some disadvantage for the acquirer because it is more difficult to gain agreement to a change made subsequently than to a provision included in the first draft .
6 Mr Runciman said the first warning of problems came in August when it was realised that a major contract expected in the first half of the financial year was not going to materialise .
7 The elections were thus marked by a high rate of abstention : only 38.89 per cent of the electorate voted in the first round and 33.38 per cent in the second .
8 Hinde House was one of ten comprehensive schools approached in the first year with a view to the launching of a school/industry partnership .
9 Respective values for the later serial positions were compared between the two groups to test for the recency effect produced in the first group .
10 We were never meant to fall for Satan but despite the poet 's efforts to make sure we do n't , we can not forget the magnificent figure encountered in the first two books .
11 For their second teaching practice the students will gain experience of years one to three in schools involved in the first three levels of the French for Communication project .
12 In order to protect the public from the charlatan or the quack , entry into the profession must be guarded , its standards polic-ed , and its rules of practice defined in the first instance by the profession itself …
13 The seven other candidates eliminated in the first round included Mountaga Tall , leader of the National Committee for Democratic Initiative ( CNID ) , the second largest party in the National Assembly , with 11.41 per cent of the vote .
14 The candidates eliminated in the first round were Heide Schmidt , 43 , of the Freedom Party of Austria ( FPÖ ) , and Robert Jungk , 78 , the Green Alternative candidate .
15 Candidates eliminated in the first round included the current President , Denis Sassou-Nguesso of the PCT , and interim Prime Minister André Milongo .
16 With hindsight , she says : ‘ I wished I 'd kept my mouth shut in the first three weeks .
17 erm if you go back to the nineteen thirties , for example , depression , love on the dole , deferral of marriage , potential husbands killed in the first World War , low birthrate , small families , below the level that would replace the population in future , and many of the Wartime and late War reports erm the Royal Commission on population , which reported in forty nine , suggested that population may stagnate , round about forty million plus , even decline to about thirty million .
18 Given that this calculation mainly consists of system savings foregone in the first year of Sizewell 's operation , less capital charges saved , the £60 million figure seems surprisingly high , given the limited value of system savings in the first year of operation .
19 Their answers are more illuminating in this respect than the generalisation of the authors quoted in the first section of this paper .
20 After all , our licence fee got the programmes made in the first place
21 In addition we are still receiving enquiries about prisoners featured in the first two series in 1988 and 1989 , and we have recently received a copy of a letter from Alattin Sahin , the Turkish prisoner of conscience in the 1988 , which someone has received on his release .
22 The rate of progress made in the first 20 years was only achieved by the geologists being in the field most of the year .
23 ( There are extremely instructive comparisons to be made between the films that make up Manvell 's ‘ Miscellany ’ and the ‘ pantheon ’ of directors listed in the first , 1962 , issue of Movie — the changes are an eloquently stark illustration of the massive reorientation of British film culture . )
24 The help given in the first period of Addenbrookes , when the plaintiff had her own room and was for much of the time still in a coma , was clearly signifidant , significant , not only in caring for the plaintiff 's physical needs , but in giving the support and encouragement which no doubt contributed greatly to the plaintiff 's emergence from that coma .
25 Aggregate proceeds realised in the first half of 1992 from the sale amounted to C$83.2 million , yielding a profit of C$38 million .
26 the subject areas omitted in the first place ;
27 The newly created earl volunteered for service in the royal fleet , and was killed by a cannon shot in the first battle , off Lowestoft on 3 June .
28 In the end the Lord Chief Justice , Lord Widgery , found for the publishers on the ground that , although confidentiality could be enforced in suitable cases , this was not a suitable case : the matters revealed in the first volume of the Diaries , being ten years old , were too stale to have any security aspect .
29 Table 7.1 thus also supports the contention made in the first half hour of this chapter that short-term contract workers in the service sector are mainly " voluntary " temporary workers .
30 The village hall , known as the Victory Hall , was an old army hut used in the First World War .
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