Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] their first " in BNC.

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1 Eight years of isolation , broken only by the ‘ buying-in ’ of the 1986 Cavaliers and 1989 World XV tours , subsequently came to an end in Durban when the New Zealanders kicked off their first official tour on South African soil for 15 years .
2 The band 's weakest ever single reached number 46 in the Gallup charts , an achievement supported by their first proper video in which they frolicked among hundreds of balloons .
3 To measure the accuracy of the prediction rule , our model was applied to another series of 28 cirrhotic patients admitted with their first variceal bleeding during the next period ( January 1989 to May 1990 ) .
4 All patients admitted with their first variceal haemorrhage were resuscitated and treated by urgent endoscopic sclerotherapy .
5 In a surprise result , Burundians voted in their first democratic election since 1962 to boot out their military president , Pierre Buyoya , in favour of a banker , Melchior Ndadaye .
6 In the three Education Acts passed during their first nine years of power , the Conservative government has made parental influence and involvement a central issue .
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