Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His coat and waistcoat swiftly followed it and his fingers ripped away the neckcloth about his throat , heedless of the ruin they effected .
2 Impromptu discussion groups formed whenever a man sat outside his house .
3 How thrilled the girl had been to be going to the Holy City , how lovely she had looked in a jacket of scarlet silk , a birthday present given only the day before by Mrs Browning , how she had glowed and shivered with anticipation …
4 On most days the official programme occupied only the evenings so that day time was available for sightseeing .
5 The solution to these two difficulties was provided by the trust , which at a stroke solved both the problem of third-party involvement and that of enforcement .
6 Now there are cars parked right the way up and even on to the roundabout , and I think a lot of these erm persons erm with the cars are probably from the Polytechnic .
7 its as bad as our house , I say the secret in our house drove cars is three cars parked out the front , so you 've got a bit of grass , three cars parked there , you 're not allowed to park on the dri , drive , , sometimes parking round the front , but
8 What 's the betting this McCoy 's running a big racket , paying Charlie Hatton to leave his lorry unattended and paying him to keep other lorry drivers occupied whenever the chance presents itself ?
9 And how are the weights carried on the weight cloth ?
10 And Andy written down the back if you want to scratch it .
11 Swindon swept back within seconds for Maskell to score , but a minute later he had his spot-kick turned around the post by Steve Sutton .
12 From the cat 's point of view , the folded ears have the slight disadvantage that they do not communicate the usual mood signals seen when a cat , becoming angry or scared , starts to flatten its ears ready for fighting .
13 A great deal hung on the relationship participants were able to establish , and in this any status differential could prove problematic .
14 Waves washed away the words on the page as they swamped islands , ships , sailing craft and poets ' daughters .
15 In the drawing shown here the decision is less obvious .
16 The time was now about nine-thirty , and I must have looked ghastly , for a young nurse who popped in with a set of pyjamas sized up the situation in a second and popped out again , running down the corridor calling for help .
17 For a long time the lawyer called almost every day .
18 Just to conclude , I share the view expressed already by Councillor , that just as the issue of the elderly persons homes brought about the loss of control for the Conservatives in , be sure the Health Service will bring about the downfall of the Conservatives in White Hall .
19 The borough brought in a group of consultants to produce topic papers on twelve of the major areas affected by abolition .
20 And then , his right hand , rising to undo the buttons of her high-collared black dress , his other arm unconsciously straining her to him , closer and closer so that she could feel his arousal brought on a memory so dreadful to McAllister , a memory which she had fought against for months — and fear suddenly won the battle .
21 ‘ But it is n't , ’ she cried , frantic now as her words brought home the enormity of what was happening .
22 Not like doing it by remote control , having Jem set up a trip-wire .
23 The programme marked perhaps the beginning of Mrs Whitehouse 's attempts to influence the content of particular programmes .
24 The monster 's blood burnt away the grass on Dragon 's hill .
25 ODDEST sight of the week : top Tory ‘ mandarin ’ Allan Clarke giggling at the readers ' tips in Viz : ‘ Taxi drivers , why not pop into your local garage and have your indicators fixed then the rest of us would know where you 're going …
26 As a result , the cocoa exporters cut down the use of the toxic pills .
27 From the mauve card cut out a rectangle 14 × 10cm and a handle 7cm long .
28 You can indicate which SPRs are to be Closed or Replied to at this page , in preparation for making these relationships fixed once the SSR is submitted .
29 ‘ For it was then that the Vietminh had in one quick stroke taken over the nationalism of the country , that Ho had achieved the legitimacy of power . ’
30 There was no vote taken on the bus .
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