Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [pers pn] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Elizabeth Woodville drew her to one side .
2 Mr Brown is parading this tacit Jackson support in an effort to draw blacks away from Mr Bill Clinton , the Democrats ' front-runner whose solid black support helped him to big victories in the South and Mid-West .
3 I do n't know why my search drew me to that part of the house , except that Curtis was the only soul in it other than myself and Leon .
4 May Roberts Rinehart used it to excellent effect in The Circular Staircase .
5 Eventually Johnny drew him to one side with a shock-haired young reporter who sported horn-rimmed glasses and a velvet bow-tie .
6 Only 13% ( 26 ) spoke to their spouse about it , and fewer than 10% mentioned it to another family member or friend .
7 On that one day he notched up five kills although Fighter Command downrated them to four ‘ probables ’ .
8 Worcester were wobbling at 33 for three but Hick guided them to 158 for five .
9 But Christine , 37 , insisted on going home for a snack before an ambulance took her to Royal Hallamshire hospital .
10 A mile 's drive south in the car took us to all that remains of Clare 's beloved heath land .
11 Captain Meredith treated him to one of his freezing looks .
12 Their search took them to six countries , with the contract finally going to Toronto-based Lovat .
13 Forest fans gave it to that slag Clough and in the long run they got a bitter reward .
14 ’ Rick Astley introduced me to these giant goldfish and I 've become totally hooked .
15 Bennett , the original owner of a Jaguar car entrusted it to one Searle for some repairs to be carried out .
16 Judge Angus Stroyan sentenced him to 12 months in jail and banned him from driving for two years .
17 Great Britain , for their part , will be looking to recapture the many admirable qualities which brought them that improbable victory after Steve Hampson 's early dismissal reduced them to 12 men .
18 A 49 after a safety exchange took him to 4–4 , but Hendry reeled off three successive breaks of the highest quality to put daylight between them .
19 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
20 I 've imagined myself in situations like this , made up speeches in my head , speeches about truth and freedom and protection of sources , speeches I imagined delivering from the witness box just before the judge sentenced me to ninety days or six months or whatever for contempt of court , but I was kidding myself .
21 Failure led him to mass manipulation and an attempt to revolutionize British politics from outside the system .
22 His wrathful imagination led him to grotesque ideas …
23 Gandhi dissociated himself from this development and withdrew from politics until 1939 , when the outbreak of the Second World War stirred him to political action again .
24 Rain reduced it to 37 overs a side and the home team were soon rattling along .
25 The Flack team restored her to pristine condition as G–FURY , and she made her first flight at Elstree in June 1980 .
26 Blair 's job took him to troutless Humberside , but after two years , good fortune posted him back to Aberdeenshire .
27 Four victories and two second places took her to 140 points before the Christmas break , almost 100 ahead of the next best , Switzerland 's Chantal Bournissen .
28 Last year , before I decided to settle here for keeps , my business took me to one of the great northern cities , chief among those of the prosperous world .
29 A speedy journey in the boats took us to one of the 365 islands in Lough Erne .
30 The muscular derring-do of our film heroes inspired us to imitative feats of climbing , usually trees ; and their prowess in stalking and sniffing out was echoed in our exploration of sombre , dingy and often damp places .
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