Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [pers pn] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1954 Sir Winston Churchill appointed him financial secretary to the Treasury under his old Marlborough friend , R. A. Butler ( later Baron Butler of Saffron Walden , q.v . ) .
2 Just take a look got me little list knocking round .
3 Their publication was a speculation which — so far as it made me known & procured me employment in Zoological drawing — answered my expectations — but in matters of money occasioned me considerable loss .
4 Asian ships did not go round the Cape of Good Hope to trade with Europe , and East Indiamen , as the Company 's ships were called , were so heavily armed and were so much safer from the risk of piracy that merchants found them useful carriers even though they did not sail as fast as local ships until the Company had its ships built of teak some decades later .
5 Mary-Lou stuffed her English grammar into the back of her desk and pulled out a French one .
6 My glance allowed me sufficient time to register an abundance of well-washed hair , a rosy cheerful face , a loose-hanging tweed coat and heavily-patterned woollen stockings .
7 A great shudder went through the old house , as with a sickening crunch the weight hit her front wall .
8 Now Delia Sutherland gave him proper attention .
9 We were taken into a small chapel and some Spanish border guards gave us hot coffee and bread .
10 Two avoidable goals gave them valid concern .
11 By-employments such as basket-making , hemp-dressing and wild-fowling gave them additional security .
12 But on my return to Salamanca Dana gave me strong support , a spiritual courage that entered our love and our poetry .
13 A report by the National Council of Public Morals on The Cinema ( 1917 ) had also scrutinised the problem , entertaining a wide variety of evidence — on such matters as the educational potential of the cinema , censorship and licensing , the molestation of children in picture palaces , and a clouded discussion of what was somewhat eerily called ‘ the moral dangers of darkness ’ — as well as some monosyllabic evidence from children themselves on whether the moving pictures gave them bad dreams .
14 The mayor Gallery was also there and both Freddy Mayor and Charles Gimpel gave me enormous support .
15 Q. Blanket weed caused me tremendous problems in my Koi pond last summer , and I want to avoid the same thing happening this year .
16 The British official behind his high desk asked me numerous questions which I did n't understand .
17 Throughout his long marriage his homosexuality caused him great unhappiness , and if there was any one key to Laughton 's greatness as an actor then it was surely his sense of being a misfit , uneasy in his own skin and forever on the outside of the social , sexual , and familial demands of his upbringing and conditioning .
18 I then retraced my steps all the way back round to Crib Goch because the position of the sun allowed me renewed photo opportunities from its rim — a rim now 40 feet above me as I lay on a ledge .
19 Alec Home gave him similar advice .
20 It cleaned up the European Car of the Year award for 1992 against some formidable competition , though only two out of the seven British judges gave it top ranking .
21 The works of his so-called ‘ pink ’ and ‘ blue ’ periods were being bought by important collectors , and the fact that an established dealer like Vollard was interested in his work gave him additional prestige .
22 This one act earned him unfailing hatred and opposition .
23 De Lorenzo 's move follows a decision by his Liberal party to retract earlier threats to pull out of government unless Amato gave him public support .
24 ‘ The Opera London production of A Midsummer Night 's Dream gave me great pleasure , Noye 's Fludde too . ’
25 Land was the basis of Lowther 's county and parliamentary position ; the law gave him added influence and opportunity .
26 As we noted earlier , one of the reasons why Franco ultimately revised his former anti-western attitudes was that the crisis of economic autarchy left him little choice .
27 Regis and Gary Bannister were both denied at close range before MacDonald spared us extra time with a rising 25-yarder which found the top left corner of Steve Sherwood 's net .
28 Using the structured eavesdropping technique allowed me complete freedom to sit and observe groups .
29 Dr Kepepwe assured me active steps were being taken to trace those who had been intimate with me during the ten blank years : my parents , my academic colleagues .
30 But Mr Patten told him good government should be founded on fact , not fantasy .
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