Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [prep] any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In each year , less than 800 of these cases led to any form of criminal or disciplinary action , and the vast majority of even this small number involved nothing more severe than ‘ advice or admonishment ’ — 651 of the 766 cases in 1987 , for example .
2 I stress we are not anti-Europe and nor was this meant to be a mischievous motion , but we are very distrustful about any deal negotiated by any member of this government .
3 Was the fire brigade hindered in any way ?
4 I shared command of the big " V " with two other skippers , Doug Thompson and Denis Mawe , as H.Q. frowned on any policy that kept an officer away from his home port and normal customs duties for too long a period .
5 It was easily accessible from the Awash railway station and was one of the few areas in Abyssinia where wild animals survived in any number .
6 The Marcoses may have stashed away well over a billion dollars plus other Philippino assets , in the USA , Switzerland and elsewhere , but neither Nicolae nor Elena Ceauşescu felt under any compulsion to insure themselves against a rainy day .
7 Er would my right honourable friend agree with me that the appearance of Jerry Adams on the Walden programme proved beyond any doubt that whatever Sinn Fein say Sinn Fein have rejected the er Downing Street declaration .
8 Only Lee Ellison and goalkeeper Mark Prudhoe emerged with any credit .
9 But the decision for closure had in any case already been made by the predecessor AHA .
10 ‘ I hope she 'll be lucky , ’ the wife of one of the brothers said without any feeling .
11 These characteristics militated against any assumption of agency .
12 A letter from lawyer Richard Regan last June confirmed that charges relating to the matter had been dropped and Mr Gregory absolved from any blame for the oil spill .
13 There comes a time when natural justice supersedes any law made by any government , and that time 's now .
14 From our study , however , there was no evidence that supplemental oxygen led to any reduction of clinically important cardiac arrhythmias in patients over 60 .
15 After all , my reputation is in all likelihood blasted in any event .
16 Mitch stormed , so obviously annoyed that Maggie knew without any doubt that telling him to guard Ana with his life had been a superfluous order .
17 ‘ Stay with me , ’ Maggie said without any thought at all , just with a great desire to be able to be near him .
18 ( The Financial Times of June 21 noted that these countries had in any case serviced only about 5 per cent of these debts in 1989/90 . )
19 Signals , sitreps and diaries of the time contain no hint that a massacre had taken place , or that Tito 's Yugoslavs at Bleiburg had in any way breached their assurances to Brig Scott , and this may be regarded as significant in assessing the extent to which 5 Corps subsequently continued to accept Yugoslav assurances that prisoners surrendered to them would not be indiscriminately killed .
20 By the mid eighteenth century the rise of tin and copper mining had in any event produced a precarious balance between local grain supplies and a growing population .
21 Councillor Matheson also asked if any social workers presently in the employ of Orkney Islands Council had at any time in their careers , attended conferences , seminars or other courses organised by the Reachout Trust ?
22 Where Roberts had commended Prince Albert 's provision of three bedrooms because the use of the living-room as sleeping quarters led to unwholesome crowding , the realists began to point out that the crowding occurred in any case , since even those who could afford to rent the extra rooms , could not afford to furnish them .
23 Not of course that the comparisons seemed in any way apposite at the time .
24 I 'd also bet that none of the girls in the class is one whit more likely to become a lesbian , or to have the pure white robe of her maidenhood smirched in any way .
25 And of course it is open to them to take a contrary view to any conclusion reached on any matter by the panel .
26 Owing to the increased employment on war work , trade union membership had in any case been on the increase .
27 He and Robert had in any case disappeared to drink and play cards ( the express had a gaming saloon ) soon after dinner .
28 ‘ My own family was pretty undistinguished , and Stephen had at any rate a respectable reputation in his own field — though I probably overvalued it at the time .
29 March 26 , 1969 The limitation period expired without any amendment to the writ , and without Mr Ali issuing proceedings against either Mr Akram or Mrs Sugden , the actual drivers in the collision .
30 " Return day " is defined as the day appointed in any summons or proceedings for the appearance of the defendant , or any other day fixed for the hearing of any " proceedings " , that is for the hearing of an action or matter , or if one had been fixed , for the pre-trial review .
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