Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [prep] [det] way " in BNC.

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1 Was the fire brigade hindered in any way ?
2 That is why it disgusts me to see the nobility of grief caricatured in this way .
3 In the health area , the old fashioned general practitioner functioned in this way ( in contrast to the support structure of a centralised health system ) .
4 Dot did n't like it when Mrs Parvis spoke in this way , as though they were dusty victims from under the rubble .
5 Those of us dropping into Dunedin with a touring international or provincial team could usually rely , if things had not gone well for Otago , on Mains later proclaiming that his side had in some way been unfairly treated either by fate or the referee .
6 Whenever I seemed to advance towards him , my steps deviated in some way .
7 Not all the birds that Gould caught in this way were subjected to an impromptu autopsy .
8 In addition to hundreds of parish libraries in England endowed in this way there were over thirty founded by Dr Bray in America , the largest being in Annapolis .
9 We may not know exactly how evolution took place , but it is at least now clear that humanity evolved in some way from the higher apes ; that there were female and male of other species on the earth before the appearance of women and men .
10 Signals , sitreps and diaries of the time contain no hint that a massacre had taken place , or that Tito 's Yugoslavs at Bleiburg had in any way breached their assurances to Brig Scott , and this may be regarded as significant in assessing the extent to which 5 Corps subsequently continued to accept Yugoslav assurances that prisoners surrendered to them would not be indiscriminately killed .
11 The GLC was empowered by the Act to make grants to the LTE for any purpose ( section 3 ) and the GLC intended in this way to reimburse the LTE for the revenue lost by the fares reduction and so enable the LTE to balance its books , this being an obligation placed on the LTE ‘ so far as practicable ’ .
12 No purely internal linguistic explanation can account for the fact that the change happened in this way in some dialects and in different ways in others .
13 Not of course that the comparisons seemed in any way apposite at the time .
14 I 'd also bet that none of the girls in the class is one whit more likely to become a lesbian , or to have the pure white robe of her maidenhood smirched in any way .
15 The relations of meaning foregrounded in this way are in general relationships of similarity or of contrast ; they are reinforced , here and there , by alliteration and assonance .
16 His wife came from that way .
17 In the glaring light , the racket of cicadas , the events of the night seemed in some way fictional ; as if I must have been slightly drugged .
18 Its scope delimited in this way , applied linguistics is in my view an activity which seeks to identify , within the disciplines concerned with language and learning , those insights and procedures of enquiry which are relevant for the formulation of pedagogic principles and their effective actualization in practice ( Widdowson 1979 , 1984a ) .
19 Franco reacted in this way not because Yagüe 's attitude posed any real threat to his position , but because it represented indiscipline .
20 Easy to see what effect sudden nausea at even the thought of the big glass would have on a life lived in this way .
21 Numerous people ran into debt from being unable or unwilling to settle their credit card accounts at all or in full each month , and allowing their purchases to grow in price as every month passed , but the sums people in Britain owed in this way was a very small proportion of the total outstanding personal credit granted , which in 1987 Janet Ford reckoned in her book The Indebted Society was £30,000 million .
22 Life went on that way until 1986 , when he moved to New Orleans , where he first received notice for being arrested twice in six months for driving while intoxicated .
23 I did n't enjoy hurting friends , but each blow did in some way help me to cope with a temper .
24 The third-class passengers on the Beira and Mashonaland railway travelled in this way in 1900 and for many years afterwards .
25 Findings discovered in this way should be seen as sources of hypotheses for further testing , not as results in themselves .
26 The back of the house faces south , an avenue of giant elms and a few old oaks lay over that way .
27 It could be that Lord Roskill wished in this way to exonerate the mischievous label-switcher , but that person is anyway not guilty of theft because he does not have the mental element .
28 Again , as it was impossible for wheeled implements to cross the frequent deep water-cuts of a field ploughed in this way , all cultivation had to be done along the stetch itself ; and this meant that implements — drills , hoes , harrows , etc. — had to be adapted to fit the width of stetch used .
29 Very few sportsmen smoke ; very many of them resent strongly having their efforts and endeavours subverted in this way .
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