Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His fierce anti-Common Market views led to a challenge to his candidacy for the South Edinburgh seat in 1973 which he successfully fought off .
2 Moreover , imbalances arose within the economy as a whole , in particular between consumption goods and capital goods .
3 In the Catholic school moral education is a whole school task where pupils are enabled to experience moral values lived in the life of the school .
4 first , the existing local authorities argued for the retention of the status quo ; second , some Conservative Members of Parliament sought to retain the existing system as far as possible in such areas as Surrey ; third , groups concerned with some services — particularly education — pointed out weaknesses in the proposals as far as their service was concerned ( Rhodes 1970 : 120 ) .
5 The British authorities argued at the time that the way to tackle this problem of falling competitiveness , far from being to allow the pound to devalue , was to maintain a rigid exchange rate for sterling and so through the resulting high interest rates and tight money ‘ to squeeze inflation out of the system ’ .
6 He felt that such ‘ impersonal ’ coverage amounted to a propaganda victory for the IRA .
7 His ginger beard came round and his teeth gleamed for a second .
8 Lally gasped and coughed , she even spat , her teeth gleamed against the mud .
9 SHEILA lived in a cottage on the rocky shelf of a mountain .
10 The Great Earth Mother Mafulke lived in the Underworld and tended the enormous fires which blazed there .
11 His chest gleamed like a mirror as the thick , cheap jewellery draped across it caught the sunlight .
12 William read through the article , finding two literals , while she finished the last page .
13 Countries making commitments in August to the multinational force , apart from the USA and those European and Arab countries as described above , included ( i ) Canada , a NATO member country , which announced on Aug. 10 that it would send two destroyers and a supply ship , to arrive by September ; ( ii ) Australia , whose Prime Minister Bob Hawke announced after a telephone conversation with Bush on Aug. 10 that two frigates and a supply ship would be sent ( a decision endorsed by the Cabinet on Aug. 14 ) ; ( iii ) Pakistan , which had some 90,000 nationals working in Kuwait , and whose President Ghulam Ishaq Khan said on Aug. 13 that it would send troops to protect the Moslem holy places , with a first contingent to leave on Aug. 17 and a total commitment expected to number 5,000-8,000 ; and ( iv ) Bangladesh , which on Aug. 15 announced a commitment in principle to send troops to Saudi Arabia numbering some 5,000 in all .
14 Gerald fought to the bar for a couple more glasses and generously shared the bottle .
15 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
16 That of the southern European states led to the establishment of commonplace majority voting , as enshrined in the Single European Act .
17 Born in 1927 , Denis Serjeant qualified as an architect the hard way , by taking external examinations whilst articled to an Oxford architect .
18 Her long ginger hair tumbled to the floor ; her short white skirt rode up to hint at the delicious curves of her tender derriere .
19 Long black hair tumbled from the top of the boy 's head .
20 Its ancient buildings reflect the air of a former age , when the pace of life was slow , when landlords and merchants lived off the fat of the land and when labourers , in vast numbers , worked that land .
21 Mr. Occhi got into the taxi , took £1 out of his wallet and gave it to the appellant who then , the wallet being still open , took a further £6 out of it .
22 Kolchinsky asked with a frown .
23 Thus , after two days in which a negotiated settlement to the original squabble seemed possible , an ultimatum to the Vietminh to clear out of Haiphong in two hours led to a bombardment which must have killed at least 1,000 people , many if not most of whom would be described as innocent civilians .
24 At an earlier hearing , defence solicitor Colin Nott failed in a bid to have the ban lifted , but successfully appealed at the High Court the next day to have the bail condition lifted so his client could see the baby under supervision .
25 In order to be able to cope with the increasing enquiry rate at the bureau , an emergency appeal to NACAB for special funding led to the appointment of a fixed-term welfare rights officer .
26 Silver cross belts blazoned battle honours across their chests and silver spurs gleamed under the table .
27 A note of hysteria crept into the voice from the grave .
28 Jerome crept to the foot of the steps , and there halted , baulked , rather , like a startled horse , drew hard breath and assayed to mount , and then suddenly threw up his arms to cover his face , fell on his knees with a lamentable , choking cry , and bowed himself against the stone of the steps .
29 His enthusiasm led to the formation of a club at his school , Stokesley Primary , and this encouraged other youngsters to learn the game .
30 Armstrong zipped through the City with more than usual aplomb , which made me think that Duncan the Drunken had given him a tuning .
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