Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [noun] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Taylor asked Fen at one point .
2 As the Shah arrived at the White House to be officially welcomed by President Carter , the two groups shouted abuse at each other just beyond police railings .
3 The following were the prices of LASMO listed securities at 31 March 1982 :
4 So it was not to the White House but the Treasury Building next door that the embassy car delivered Maxim at three o'clock that afternoon .
5 The various parties reached agreement at last .
6 When the first 120 miles of the East India Railway were opened from Calcutta to Raniganj in 1855 , the ceremony took place at Burdwan station , a long classical structure 66 miles from Calcutta .
7 The second enemy took aim at point-blank range .
8 OUR Confirmation took place at Sacred Heart , Howden .
9 The young Haworth left school at 14 to work in the factory and was required to pick up a knowledge of dyestuffs .
10 A team of UN nuclear and chemical weapons inspectors conducted inspections at eight unnamed sites on Aug. 7-18 .
11 On polling day , the Information Ministry estimated turnout at 85 per cent .
12 The dawn chorus woke Robyn at five .
13 In fact he was identifying himself with his Girondin friends who were guillotined by the Jacobins in October and November 1793 ; although the story that Wordsworth visited France at this time to take help to the Girondins may be untrue , this is clearly what he would have wished to do if an opportunity had arisen .
14 Mr Shaw was believed to have been waiting to collect fishbait near the shores of Belfast Lough at Quay Road , Newtownabbey as he did daily when a car pulled alongside and a gunman opened fire at point-blank range .
15 They of Valencia took courage at these tidings , and waxed insolent , and began to devise how they should take vengeance upon Abeniaf , and upon all those who had oppressed them .
16 Carolyn 's parents had tea at six p.m .
17 Burnhill , Garner and McPherson report that , controlling for social class , the odds of an individual both of whose parents left school after age 17 qualifying for HE are around seven times greater than a contemporary both of whose parents left school at 15 .
18 Why the machine had levers at each end was a mystery never satisfactorily explained to the boys , but it created another alley in Grandad 's life , the alley between one machine and another , and though there were no U-boats shooting at him , it was hard going with his bad leg .
19 ‘ The hospital called me about half an hour ago , ’ Cowley said , and after a brief pause , ‘ Doyle regained consciousness at four this afternoon .
20 The proportion of tax paid decreases with increases in income : or to put it the other way round — the proportion of tax paid increases at lower levels of income compared with higher levels .
21 Daod called Sofia at 3.03 a.m. , ’ he said , in Arabic .
22 He pole fished pinkies at eight metres for a dozen small roach to 5 oz .
23 More branches than ever joined in six hundred and seventy four in all and collections took place at more Tesco 's than ever , two hundred and twenty five .
24 In 1970 , 75 per cent of the population saw TV at some point during the day and in 1986 the figure had not risen much further to 78 per cent .
25 Washwater from one chip shop contained tecnazene at 15,000 times the level which is safe for fish , while a brook in Somerset recorded levels at up to 520 times the safety limit .
26 There can be no doubt that something of this sort took place at this time in Montreal , and that it forms one of the subconscious inputs in the growing boy 's development , along with the high family traditions and the significance of his names .
27 Much business took place at second hand , and by delegates , and the curia was not anxious to investigate every case on the spot .
28 The most controversial change of auditors of the past two years took place at Prudential Corporation .
29 During the crucial five months ( November-March ) when groundwater resources are normally replenished , only November saw rainfall at normal or above-normal levels .
30 Some of the worst atrocities of the Yugoslav civil war took place at two camps based at a brick factory and a pig farm near Brcko , 75 miles north of Sarajevo .
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