Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] take to the " in BNC.

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1 She was helped from her seat and taken to the rear of the cinema .
2 Peter Davies , the housing association 's chief executive , said all the families were evacuated by boat and taken to the Aberconwy Centre .
3 And by the time Cornelius had left the playground and taken to the street , his feet were up and the cigarettes were out .
4 A man climbs into a machine and takes to the air and crosses the English Channel .
5 Democratic contender Paul Tsongas added fitness to his campaign and took to the swimming pool to improve his image .
6 The cry was ‘ throw away your fountain pen and take to the paint-scraper ’ .
7 Birds leave their roosts and take to the skies ; monkeys jump away through the branches to find breakfast , and antelope disperse once more over the open plains to graze , knowing that if danger comes they stand a good chance of seeing it before it gets lethally close .
8 Owen bellowed orders , and the bushes threshed as the Welsh circled their enemies and took to the thickest of the woodland on their way to the river valley .
9 Early one morning in 1974 Serfaty was arrested in his Rabat apartment and taken to the notorious Derb Moulay Cherif prison in Casablanca .
10 The girl , who can not be named for legal reasons , was then led out the back door of the court building and taken to the social work department .
11 The child is woken every hour and taken to the lavatory .
12 Now Liz and husband Morris are to sell their Sierra and take to the road in the sparkling new Citroen .
13 Er took it up the field and took to the school then we got at it and it and bath full of feathers .
14 They were put into an ox cart and taken to the main Turkish base at Chanak .
15 Their strength was in their mobility , and in the contemptuous austerity with which they could discard their meagre establishments and take to the hills with their real possessions , their liberty , their horses and cattle , their tribal loyalty and their weapons .
16 Anna had also been arrested in her nightclothes and taken to the station .
17 I thought we should break the embrace and take to the oars .
18 They were put in canvas sacks and taken to the church in Godstowe for burial .
19 I joined the feathered legions and took to the air .
20 Each Jew must imagine that he personally was brought out of bondage in Egypt and taken to the Holy Land .
21 The ORS packets produced in the production units were either placed in storage or taken to the Upazila Health Complexes .
22 I had said that we should go to Egypt for this , not believing that the occasion would ever really arise ; that I should be married to Syl and taken to the country in which I had come to life and lost it .
23 Well the the money 's collected by a firm and taken to the bank .
24 A few sprouted wings and took to the air , without bothering to become birds first .
25 Eventually the attaché case and the slip of paper were retrieved from Colonel Bowers and taken to the rear seat of one of the cars .
26 Summer gales were rarely of long duration in our experience , and if it blew really hard we used to snug down in the lee of one of the many anchorages and take to the hills for a change .
27 Investing in a jump suit and hard hat Della turned up at the aerodrome and took to the skies in a plane
28 In the Wintertime they had a boat they called the Redloch and she went to Stramness and took sillocks from Stramness and took to the gut factory here in the Wintertime .
29 Gilliane Queripel , 33 , was arrested on Thursday and taken to the police station at Bracknell , Berkshire by detectives investigating the killing .
30 Later that evening , President Roh 's brother-in-law , Kim Bok Dong , was abducted from his car by police and taken to the presidential Blue House for a meeting with Roh and other family members .
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