Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] not [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is because the important factor is the frequency of repetition of the remedy and not the quantity given .
2 Students now register direct with the BIE. and not the Board .
3 Rendering a service connotes some positive action on the part of the renderer and not a state of passivity .
4 Why did the Bank of England order its closure and not the US Federal Reserve ?
5 Anyway , her cancer as such was not actively discussed , so only her loss and not the cause of her loss was ever aired .
6 In these circumstances , advertisements will be construed as a declaration of intention to hold an auction and not a contract .
7 It will be seen that g' is dependent upon two variables , the rate of profit ( i.e. , the social rate of profit p' ) and the proportion of surplus-value consumed unproductively. if we assume , as in more orthodox models , that savings equals investment — and that investment and accumulation are analogous — then we can see that savings are a result and not a precondition .
8 In purely practical terms the largest population in Belorussia after the indigenous inhabitants remained from the 1897 to the 1926 census the Jews and not the Russians .
9 They claim it has been put in the story by the early Church , during the period of the oral tradition , to show that Jesus thought his mission was primarily for the Jews and not the Gentiles .
10 Even in Italy , where regions which are rich in artistic inheritance are the rule and not the exception .
11 Walking was the rule and not the exception , for the villagers of Hailing walked into Strood carrying their shopping baskets and walked home with rests in between .
12 The endoscopy results further suggest that it is the small bowel and not the stomach or duodenum that is the main site of chronic low grade blood loss in patients on long ter , NSAIDs .
13 Force a squeal from the Corrado 's front tyres , even under brisk acceleration , and it is the driver 's technique that is at fault and not the chassis .
14 Autofocus does have draw-backs though — when an animal is in foliage the camera may focus on the undergrowth and not the animal .
15 For myself , it 's the quality of practice and not the quantity .
16 I must mention that this is my own car and not the company car , in case our car fleet manager is getting worried !
17 However a war like the one going on in Northern Ireland at the present is different because religion is being used as an excuse to fight and so it is being used as a negative force and not a force for the good .
18 It was the amplifier and not the music which caused concern and it was usual to attach planning conditions to an application of this type , he added .
19 In an interview with the Mail on Sunday , the Prime Minister emphasised that it was the victims of crime and not the perpetrators who should be shown the greatest sympathy , with a less conciliatory attitude from society to offenders .
20 SO , in the end , it did finish with a whimper and not a bang .
21 Such solitariness was a condition and not a mood , however ; it lay beneath those moments of inexplicable high spirits when Eliot seemed , as Sherek put it , " as gay as a cricket " , just as it could be combined with apparent activity and " busyness " in the world .
22 As so often with the Government , the illusion and not the reality is what really counts .
23 The picket lines are up , the rule book 's out and it 's eight months and not a stroke of royal work for me .
24 The people are almost foreign to me , the more so because country people have not yet been thrown into quite the same confusion as townspeople , and therefore look awkwardly upon those who are not in trade — writing is an unskilled labour and not a trade — not on the land , and not idle … .
25 Balanitis xerotica obliterans is a descriptive term and not a diagnosis , as it represents the end stage of several skin diseases , including , rarely , cicatricial pemphigoid and lichen planus as well as lichen sclerosus .
26 For a change , however , this is a plug for the WEA and not the PUB .
27 Histological examination of the oesophageal mucosa was only used to establish the presence of Barrett 's oesophagus and not the diagnosis of oesophagitis .
28 Thus Mayhew , who was a journalist and not a sociologist , writes of a coster lad as saying of his life ,
29 When entertaining , much depends on the kind of entertainment you like , and what adaptations may be possible so that it is still a pleasure and not a strain .
30 A mighty war host was assembled to protect the Elf homeland and not a moment too soon , for the armies of Chaos returned with redoubled strength .
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