Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] not [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Cambridge is a beautiful place , and although ours was a training college and not part of the University as it is now , many University societies were open to us .
2 This is unlike the activation induced by the powerful stimulus of calcium ionophores in that prostaglandins induce platelet dense body secretion and α-granule secretion but not secretion of lysosomal hydrolases ( MacIntyre , 1979 ) .
3 That when one approaches the village , in particular along the A Nineteen , which is the only public approach from the north , the objection sites read as part of the village and not part of the countryside .
4 There is no reason in principle why such wrongful conduct should include torts and not breaches of contract .
5 There were some granulomatous area on the lower edges of the lungs , possibly caused by migrating worms , but these seemed to be old lesions and not evidence of a newly acquired disease .
6 It had a high neck and narrow sleeves too short for her , from which her chapped , bony wrists and her hands on which every knotted sinew and vein was visible protruded limply , as if they were stitched separately to the cuffs and not part of her arms at all .
7 In McGregor v Adcock 51 TC 692 , decided in 1977 , a 70 year old farmer sold five of his 35 acres for development , and the Court held that there had been a sale of assets of the business and not part of the business , thus denying retirement relief .
8 In addition such a scheme focuses on individuals and not groups of teachers , which , we will argue in Chapter 2 , is an important focus for evaluation .
9 box are in the toilet with a paper bag in there 's a , where I used to put them and I 've had a fair look but not sort of
10 Mosley was there instead , his collar undone , casually attired without an official blazer and not sign of leather .
11 At the end of the day we must concern ourselves with the practicalities and not philosophies of dealing with everyday problems .
12 The family can find forgiveness but not comprehension of a crime which it will take weeks to clear up .
13 I should like to think that the Colonel 's sister-in-law ( the daughter of a dean ) to whom he gave dinner at the Café Royal , the Aunt whom he entertained at the Walsingham , and the Uncle whom he nicknamed the Nabob , were really his relations and not figments of his humorous imagination .
14 sine X but not sine of three X.
15 It was held to be unambiguous and that , in the context , ‘ delivery ’ meant delivery of materials and not delivery of a completed operable system .
16 What characterises these speaker-initiated insertion sequences , then , is that the London English part of the speaker 's turn is a sequence embedded in the turn but not part of the mainstream ; it does not necessarily start at a syntactic clause completion point ( for example ( 8 ) , where it begins after a subject pronoun ) and its purpose is to elicit information , or check on information to make it possible for the speaker to complete the current turn ( Sebba and Wootton 1984 : 4 ) .
17 Actinic Degradation This is the breakdown of ( mostly synthetic ) flysheets through prolonged exposure to the sun , but no-one really knows why it affects some tents and not others of the same make and model .
18 A light prism gives a practical example of how the same object viewed from different standpoints gives different images : one person may see only white light while others see all the colours of the rainbow , yet both perceptions are true to reality and not figments of distorted imagination .
19 Thus it is understood that cells are influenced by fields and not currents of electricity , as the effect is minimal .
20 That the situation was as it was , and hence that certain events did not and certain events did occur , is indeed much of our reason for asserting the conditional statement but not part of the statement .
21 A reply was received from D.M. McBain , the secretary of Baberton Golf Club stating , ‘ The litter which contributes to this unsightly area is discarded by residents and not members of the Golf Club .
22 It is important to note that , for historical reasons , the tort is committed against possession and not ownership of land .
23 Ramsey asked the pointed question whether William Temple would have been able to write if he had been Bishop of London and not Archbishop of York .
24 In her reactionary way — for Lili had been brought up by an independent , feminist mother — she thought it all right for men to carry suitcases but not bags of washing .
25 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
26 A covered area under the fly but not part of the inner — pretty essential in wet weather for storing gear and for use as a cooking area .
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