Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] you [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 Yes , you could do that , so , so y you go for erm a very high rate of taxation or you go for a lower rate of taxation which is
2 Only work for the socialist revolution and you work for justice for everyone ; blacks , women , oppressed minorities everywhere .
3 Now it 's shrinking and the dye is coming out — look at the water , it 's bright red — you see , you ignore good instructions in your wilfulness and laziness and pride and you pay for it with a ruined skirt .
4 Yeah , right , then you 'll scrub that one out like that , cos you 've done that one , alright , then you pick another word and you look for it , right look for Grumpy G R U M P Y and you start by going across the top , alright ?
5 You see , when you 're an Arab and you fight for your country , you are a terrorist , when you are a Jew , and I 'm not anti-Jewish , I 'm anti-Zionist , you are a freedom fighter .
6 The big-hitting Sam Snead once remarked : ‘ You drive for show but you putt for dough , ’ but try telling that to the fans who flocked to Daly 's banner in numbers unseen since ‘ Arnie 's Army ’ .
7 Yeah cos that then that then ends on that date and you negotiate for
8 In both Prestel and those sorts of things as you use the system you pay , and you pay for the telecommunications cost , you pay for the computer cost and you pay for the information that you receive , and that sort of worthwhile sharing of information , I am sure , is going to grow .
9 And when you that lay down you can look at whoever what the other players have got face up and you either go for a player or you go for the maximum points .
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