Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Avoid strong tides , offshore winds , poor visibility or sailing in the dark .
2 It 's back to the stationary bike or jogging in the pool .
3 Perhaps there is some activity you have often thought you would try ‘ sometime ’ : Is now the opportunity to begin dog-training , Jogging , meditation , writing to The Times or writing for the radio ?
4 Salmond called on Sept. 27 for a referendum to be held setting out the choices for Scotland as full independence within the European Communities , limited self-government or continuing with the constitutional status quo .
5 Prior to the Tektronix announcement , such users were confined to an IBM system using the PS/2 board or waiting for the Network Computing Devices Inc plug-in board option that is announced but not yet available .
6 Only when you have unwound somewhat and are back in balance are you able to progress to a more powerful strategy that involves insight , persistence or talking to the headteacher .
7 Always grumbling , he had threatened them with all kinds of dreadful punishment if he had caught them walking in St Andrew 's churchyard or sheltering in the porch .
8 It was a great feeling to be a competitor , just to get the pleasure of so many people looking at our installation or listening to the quality of sound .
9 ‘ Part of a building ’ will include entering a building lawfully but then going into a part of the building as a trespasser , such as entering the private quarters in a public house which was entered lawfully in the first instance or going behind an unattended counter in a shop .
10 ‘ I might be blowing a bit or struggling against a younger player and Stuart will feel we need a fresh pair of legs .
11 " You get up so early and when you re not in chapel , you 're scrubbing or polishing or digging in the garden . "
12 As I walked out of another final-year class at fox Primary , the pupils were building complex models out of balsawood or working on the theories of gearing with big pieces of plastic Meccano .
13 Yes erm because I doubt it , erm at the moment with the fund that we 're talking about the erm the close scheme , because most of these people in B T were originally erm in the Post Office , and of course when the they split erm then the erm Post Office workers went over to B T , they get a B T pension but in actual fact they paid into a pension scheme erm for many of them for forty years because they come into that age group , where so many people , you took a job when you were twenty o or or sixteen and you stayed with it for life , you did n't chop and change like people do these days and the majority of our members erm we can go down and I would say the vast majority of our members have actually worked for the Post Office or starting with the Post Office and then B T or staying with the Post Office for forty years , there 's no end of them they 've got in there forty years service .
14 If you would like to join the committee and influence policy , pass on a good idea , attend the community lunch held for those working in the area , get involved in producing the regular Headington Area Newsletter , join an informal discussion group or borrow material on Health , Parenting or Caring for the Elderly , make a special request or offer your services as a tutor or Youth Club volunteer , we would love to hear from you .
15 If I tried to picture Mum now like she really is , getting a Sainsbury 's pizza out of the freezer in the kitchen or doing up the seatbelt of her silver Ford Fiesta , I could n't .
16 The first concerns behaviours which are followed by the termination or cessation of unpleasant environmental events — for example , when shutting a window reduces the volume of traffic noise or turning on the heating reduces the discomfort from cold .
17 In the case of the MA(Honours) in Italian and those joint honours degrees in which Italian is the major element , the third year of study will be spent in Italy , usually at an Italian university or teaching in an Italian secondary school .
18 Your speedo needs changing for a LWB or recalibrating by a specialist company .
19 It 's cramped if there are four of you , but the atmosphere is very friendly and relaxed — neighbours popping in to borrow a cup of sugar or a 50p coin for the electricity meter , children running along the balconies or playing on the thin strip of grass between the blocks .
20 • For minor burns and scalds , cool by holding the affected area under cold running water for ten minutes or immersing in a bowl of cold water .
21 The customers were all men , heavily robed , standing in groups or leaning on the counter with no apparent desire to be served .
22 I was at a wedding & listening to the R5 commetary during the speeches ( I do n't really like the guy who was getting married … he 's an old friend of my wife , so … anyway ) .
23 And er , I thought I 'd probably have wall paper on that wall , you know , use , use the curtains just as plenty of fullness , but have them for keeping out the light or keeping in the heat ,
24 The Irish enforced a ‘ Ban ’ on British sports in the sense that those who wished to play Gaelic football or hurling under the aegis of the Gaelic Athletic Association could not also play football or cricket .
25 In the event of a second conviction for a like offence , a member is liable , in addition to the penalties already named , to be adjudged to be for ever incapable of holding any public office , and to be incapable for five years of being registered as an elector or voting at an election either of members to serve in Parliament or of members of any public body .
26 You may not have heard of the journalist or author concerned but that does not mean that they are not engaged on a bona fide testing programme or working on a first-class magazine feature .
27 Was he , as I originally suspected in Salamanca , an FBI agent or working for the CIA ? ft was a mystery I had no longer any wish to clear up .
28 To carry out nursing procedures designed to enhance physical and psychological comfort , e.g. lifting or moving into a comfortable positions orientating the patient or answering questions .
29 Others say they were unable to comply with the surgeons instructions that they undertake no lifting or pulling for a period of time after the operation .
30 to the last meeting , it was my understanding the same as everybody el everybody else that we have not the funds or budgeting for a camera in this financial year and that approved .
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