Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is suited to large multi-divisional firms producing a wide range of products and/or operating across several countries .
2 Local authorities must be notified of private fostering arrangements and of children accommodated by health or education authorities or living in residential care or nursing homes on a long-stay basis ( see Chapter 18 ) .
3 ( I am not entirely clear about the wording of the sentence which I have emphasised , but I think the sense is that the accused can be convicted of obtaining by deception , whether the offence has taken the form of larceny by a trick or obtaining by false pretences . )
4 It is particularly useful when you want to gybe without losing valuable way downwind , for example , when working upwind on a short board or gybing in tight situations such as in front of an oncoming wave or obstacle .
5 A : Obviously , I have personal feelings against Rottweilers , but I 'm calling for a total ban or muzzling in public places which should be extended to Dobermans and German Shepherds .
6 Edward pushed forward the bounds of secular authority usually in reaction to some clerical move or in defence of the needs and customs of royal government ; but as much as by the king this boundary was advanced by his subjects , whether suing for their individual rights and interests through the king 's courts or acting as royal justices , and not a few of these aggressive subjects were in fact clergy themselves .
7 George Kidner came to me in a great state of mind because he has been asked to appear before a committee consisting of C. Bathurst , Peto & C. Mills & sitting at Central Office .
8 These initiatives enable those who are responsible for drawing up programmes of modules to offer provision which realistically addresses the needs of inmates , whether at the start of a sentence or embarking on pre-release courses .
9 We need to consider the practical goal of teaching or learning about English pronunciation , and for this purpose a very abstract analysis would be unsuitable .
10 In these weavers the importance and complexity of the nest seems to have focused co-operative behaviour in this area but it will be interesting to see whether further research shows an extension of the behaviour to incubation or rearing in any of them .
11 By contrast , general purposive browsing describes the academic researcher who indulges in a similar activity of looking over books but with a serious purpose in mind , such as keeping up to date in his field or looking for new ideas .
12 In the West Country you are drawn into its natural beauty by the progress of the seasons and the constant contact with the sea.Whether it be dolphin counting from a yacht or standing in esturial slime to catch a flatfish , the coast is a pleasure ground that rarely disappoints .
13 Effective teaching & learning at key stage 3 : teacher & pupil perspective
14 It is therefore understandable that very many taboos and prohibitions have developed around physical exposure , whether it is bodily nakedness or attending to personal grooming .
15 They are also given power to vote on fundamental structural changes to the company , such as altering the memorandum and articles of association or merging with another company or dissolving the enterprise which are thought to resemble constitutional issues .
16 These include surface and soil waters containing cations released during bedrock weathering which have subsequently been concentrated by evaporation , precipitation with a high salt content ( especially in regions near coasts ) , saline ground waters and saline deposits blown inland from the coast or originating in inland saline basins .
17 Industry provides funds in a variety of ways : financing doctoral or post-doctoral fellowships , contracting research or entering into joint research agreements , setting up business in one of the increasing number of science parks , funding lectureships and professorships , the provision of equipment .
18 You can then treat the timber by spraying or brushing on two generous coats , working backwards towards the loft hatch .
19 Those planning to enter public relations in the future will not be able to offer superficial solutions or thinking to any client .
20 The full size terminal can store up to 37 Prestel pages in memory for review or printing to hard copy .
21 How , for example , could an outsider know that normative consensus in the speech community does not permit backing in velar environments or fronting in most other environments , or that sonorants followed by voiceless obstruents predict a front vowel ?
22 To reach it other than by boat or wading in low tide would have taken an hour 's drive , so it was not often visited by the women .
23 In this chapter Neil Toppin describes the assessment panels at his school in Scotland , which were established to attempt a flexible response to problems of disruption within the school and to offer pupils excluded from other schools or returning from special provision another chance in the mainstream .
24 Because of this : the exposure of the Social Democrats , the exposure of the Second International , the liberation of the working masses from the influence of Social Democracy , the isolation and overcoming of Social Democracy , is the immediate task for the Communist Parties .
25 It 's the very essence of human beings to call in question every form of life , every form of thought , and to raise the possibility of thinking and living in some other way , and perhaps just for this very reason , some final and definitive formulation of the , of human nature , of human knowledge , of human conduct , is in principle unobtainable , and that the best that the philosopher can ever hope to do , is to show that this formulation , that formulation or the other wo n't work .
26 For one thing it is for the Holy Spirit to tell us in that hour what we are to say , and for another thing the people we prove to be in that hour will be determined , not by our thinking about that hour , but by our thinking and living in this hour .
27 Its running expenses are provided by Marburg University , and Volkswagen and IBM are paying handsomely for its computerisation and networking to other institutions .
28 Unfortunately , difficulty is often experienced in getting fertilizer down to the roots without lifting and replanting in fresh compost or otherwise considerably fouling the water .
29 Instead of meandering up a path to the top , chatting amicably to a pal about how George Michael used to be good in Wham and passing round the butterscotch , they choose a cliff and try to reach the summit by slowly inching their way up vertical rock , pushing their fingers into tiny fissures and standing with one toe on a ledge the size of a pebble .
30 He 's real excited when I 'm shoving the food into his dish — rubbing against my legs and miaowing like crazy .
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