Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [Wh adv] [adv] they " in BNC.

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1 The technique of getting them to supply the missing dialogue after a silent viewing of a scene provides a good opportunity for you and them to find out what language they have at their command and how flexibly they can use it .
2 the relationship between how much time people spend watching a programme and how much they enjoy it ,
3 In both strikes , a great deal of confusion prevailed : most people had no clear idea when they would be entitled to supplementary benefit or how much they could claim .
4 All multi-divisional companies face dilemmas and choices on the extent to which they seek to centralise or decentralise their operations and how far they try to fit their industrial relations into their strategic plans and organisational structure .
5 The rationale for not keeping creditors accounts is not only rather shortsighted ( because you might lose the goodwill of your suppliers ) but it does not apply to debtors accounts — it is for certain that you will want to know precisely who owes you money and how much they owe you .
6 As one who admires much of what WTA has done and enjoys watching the best women players compete against each other , because the entertainment value they produce can often be tremendous , I was sad to see that apparently they still do not appreciate how relatively well off they are under the present set-up and how much they could stand to lose from open warfare in the game .
7 Stress management in this respect is a matter of good management : not least , of managers giving themselves and their staff a clear , forward-looking idea of their role and how well they are fulfilling it .
8 The peasant rank and file had demonstrated how deeply they were alienated from their masters and how readily they would seize upon civil disorder and weakening of the regime 's authority to rebel against the serf-like conditions of service .
9 What part the laity could play in the Church and how far they felt alienated is for discussion later .
10 I listen to the World Federalists and the Communists talk about One World and The Brotherhood of Man and how much they are doing to bring them about .
11 I think it would affect their marriages , their inter-personal relationships , their co-habitations , the way that they deal with people at work , their sense of who they are in the world and how far they can go in the world , and I think that 's what makes the problem so serious because it has very , very long-reaching effects .
12 It is the managers of local authority stock who determine who is allocated to which houses and where ; who can enter the waiting list and how long they have to wait and , crucially , who can transfer within this sector .
13 One may argue indefinitely how far contents followed taste and how far they created it , but there is no doubt that the broad ‘ entertainment ’ appeal of the press increased at the expense of hard news and information .
14 you make your sound and you carry on and on and on , I 'm gon na keep on taping different people 's make their sound and then we 're gon na see what it feels like you 're in hospital , okay , now it does n't matter if somebody 's got the same sound as somebody else , it 's no big deal , alright , because eventually they 'll all blend into each other , but as soon as I 've tapped you , make your sound , alright patients , come on where 's the machines ? okay , stop , now when did it start becoming out of hand ? , at one stage we did n't really know where we were to , once , once I say ten people , okay , and that was also due to the fact that we had perhaps too many erm patients moaning , alright , it was good in one respect because why , it made obvious that we were in a , a hospital well something like , but erm when you 're in smaller groups and you 're making your sound machines , obviously it 's much easier to control and to make the overall sound more realistic , do n't you think ? , so , mm , what we 're going to do is we 're going to get into different groups , into groups of four , five , no big deal , you 're welcome to only if you want to , and , you 're going to , each group is going to choose er a profession , okay , you can be brick layers , you can be er musicians , er you can be er gardener , I mean absolutely you can be factory workers , you can be absolutely anything , and what you 're going to do is you 're going to choose , each person will choose a sound which is represented of that particular person , er profession , okay , and you 'll going to make your sounds simultaneously so that as for the audience who are simply listening to you can just close our eyes cos we wo n't , you wo n't be acting you 'll be making these sounds and using , we 'll close our eyes and we 'll know exactly where we are , okay , and then after that once we 've done that just , before you choose your profession to know what this is going to lead onto , after that we 're going to put movements to that profession , so when , if you were in a factory going er putting bottles on , on top top of bottles , you would have the movements going and you would have the sound going and I want you to build up , up , the sound machine which becomes the movement machine as well , so you 're almost robotic so you , shh , shh , or whatever , however your sound , and each person does their thing in the factory or where ever they are and we will be able to see from listening and looking at the movements and obviously remember just because you 're not an example it does n't mean you ca n't talk , there might be for instance there would be a doctor going stand back , stand back , you know , er , in , in the you can use voices , but also obviously very , very effective to have sound voices , shh , shh , to create that part of it , have instruments , but this is how they actually started lay down sound tracks for movies , people specialize
15 ‘ Certainly it is a very poor play — but what a challenge for the actors and how well they rose to the occasion . ’
16 The orthopaedic secretaries at that hospital should be telephoned to see which of the consultants is happy to do medico-legal reports and how quickly they can see patients .
17 Nobody is sure how many people live in each region or how much they normally eat .
18 The sheet , pillow-case and towel calculations are fairly simple once you have decided how many to allocate to each conference guest and how often they are to be replaced .
19 The observational data will provide information on different styles of overtaking including their effectiveness and how often they happen .
20 The point was made that jobs ‘ promoted ’ were not a true count of REAL jobs ; what we needed to know was the true job completion rate effected for what length of time — actual jobs and how long they lasted .
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