Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [prep] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 It consists of notes and coin ( both in circulation and in banks ' tills ) , and the operational balances that banks hold in the Bank of England .
2 These should include examples from different cultures and authors and from pupils ' own work ;
3 able to establish good rapport with pupils ; 2. has charisma ; 3. is good at organizing ; 4. is a survivor ; 5. keeps in touch with what 's happening in other subjects and in pupils ' backgrounds ; 6. has a quality of openness ; 7. has long teaching experience ; 8. has good qualifications in the subject ; 9. has strong religious faith ; 10. has enthusiasm for the subject ; 11. has a sense of humour .
4 Employers could contract ‘ occupational groups ’ of employees out of SERPS and into employers ' provision ( see Groves , 1983 ) .
5 In both directions — south towards the Grand Parade and Patrick Street , and north to the quays — other horse-drawn vehicles threaded their way , wheels screaming , drivers cursing and cracking whips , the while throngs of Friday shoppers darted from one side of the unpaved road to the other , dodging between carts and traps and under horses ' necks as if they were n't there at all .
6 It was nothing but the stench of dead , rotting rats and of bats ' dung .
7 Other theories concentrate on technological changes or on firms ' investment in inventories to explain the cycles .
8 Issues that the committee considered inconclusively included the impact of medical advances on the demand for medical time ; possible changes in skill mix ; the consequences on staffing of the interaction between purchasers and providers and of patients ' charters ; the need to reduce hours of work ( only junior doctors are mentioned ) ; possible changes to the career structure ; and the increasing managerial and educational demands on consultants .
9 Doubts have already been raised about the cost of the proposals , about possible legal difficulties and about shareholders ' willingness to play the role assigned to them by the APB .
10 For purposive reading and for textbooks and research material the author 's credentials are generally to be found on the title page or in publishers ' promotional material .
11 These duties are listed as : the preparation of desiderata lists ; the selection and purchase of books within broad terms of reference ; allocation of books between libraries ; classification and cataloguing of all books and materials ; revision of stock ; screening of withdrawn books ; screening of books for rebinding ; maintenance of central reserve stocks ; bibliographical work , including compilation of special lists and indexes ; the bibliographical aspects of inter-library loans and regional loans and of readers ' requests and reservations ; readers ' advisory and information service .
12 Only the war saved Joyce from declining into the crankiness and obscurity of those who , for instance , demanded in small newspaper advertisements and at Speakers ' Corner why the bishops refused to open Joanna Southcott 's box .
13 But I expect there will be copies of the same tune on paper and in peoples ' brains for centuries to come .
14 Though there is no picture-making task here for the artist , every young reader will make his or her own mental pictures of scenes and of characters ' appearances and behaviour .
15 She read with avidity the endlessly cosy adventures of wealthy children on farms and in smugglers ' caves and country houses , but she found built into them a warning against too much belief .
16 ‘ We know about the players with senior clubs but there may be those in leagues like the Amateur League or in Boys ' Clubs who would be worth looking at , ’ says Ronnie .
17 Royal Brompton Hospital or in patients ' homes , or both .
18 Although SAG has taken the technical issues of SQL interoperability a stage further , the organisation has n't had much success in getting the specifications out of the copy book and into vendors ' products .
19 Although the SQL Access Group has taken the technical issues of SQL interoperability a stage further , the organisation has n't had much success in getting the specifications out of the copy book and into vendors ' products .
20 The reasons for this discrepancy probably lie in the different modes of service organization and in practitioners ' rationing of their own services , given scarcity of time , but other unexplored factors ( related to diagnosis or accommodation for example ) may also enter here .
21 Households with less privately-owned land which had to rely on the ‘ public economy ’ ( the forest ) for livestock rearing rather than private land , were less willing to see restrictions placed upon access to forests or to others ' private land for stubble grazing in cases where fodder tree planting on terrace backs was being advocated .
22 The research aims to study the responses of heads , teachers and children in infant schools and departments to the introduction of the national Curriculum and to examine its impact on the curriculum and pedagogy of the infant school and on pupils ' school experience .
23 There was no effective management of the woods for profitable timber production , and regeneration was prevented because the young shoots were eaten by the deer and by commoners ' cattle , which roamed the forests at will .
24 Two days later he called for a purge of FIS ranks ; only those " who believed in the new era for the country and in others ' right of expression " should be retained .
25 The reasons why this type of job has arisen in agencies are complex , and reflect weaknesses both in existing agency staffing and structure and in clients ' ability to brief their agencies in the right way .
26 The notices cluster along main streets and around candidates ' homes , and analysis suggests they were not posted at whim , but organised by the candidates .
27 The result was 1989 's shimmering ‘ Tears ’ , issued on ffrr in London and through Knuckles ' Def Mix in America .
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