Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [prep] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 The fact that a growing proportion of diplomats were now laymen whose fluency in Latin was often limited helped to accelerate this process , as did the fact that different nations pronounced the same Latin words in markedly different ways ; but as the language of treaties , especially those which involved a large number of states or in which the German states were concerned , Latin survived longer than as the language of negotiation .
2 1.2 Extension of the principles In recent years there has been an extension of the principles behind the restraint of trade doctrine so as to embrace : ( a ) restraints in contracts which do not fit neatly into what was hitherto regarded as amounting to a restraint of trade ; ( b ) situations where the contract in question was not between the plaintiff and defendant and to which the plaintiff was not privy although he was affected by the working of the contract ; and ( c ) situations when no contract existed at all but the plaintiff could claim that a set of rules or certain conduct affected him prejudicially .
3 His family had always been Delhi jewellers — his ancestors had served the Mughal emperors and before them the Delhi Sultans .
4 There was what has come to be called the inverted story , that is , a mystery which begins with the murderer being seen to commit the murder and in which the interest lies in seeing how he will not get away with it despite that apparent perfection of his method .
5 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
6 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
7 Woodhill took its first inmates last summer.It cost forty million pounds and was intended to be part of a new wave of prisons with just one inmate per cell and in which the prisoner could take more reponsibility for his own welfare .
8 Damage is the gist of the action and without it the plaintiff must fail .
9 The party 's in Milton Keynes and to us the only thing worth mentioning for Milton Keynes is the concrete cows .
10 Unless such a distinction is to be found , as the defendants say that it is , in the public nature of a local authority , which has governmental powers under statute and of which the policy and activities are decided by elected councillors , I agree with that view of Morland J. In the South Hetton Coal Co. case Lopes L.J .
11 Since all the coefficients are estimated simultaneously , the estimated model ( 6.16 ) , which has all the cross-equation restrictions imposed , can be compared with another model which has the same variables on the right-hand side of each equation but in which the cross-equation restrictions are relaxed ; that is , the coefficients on each variable are freely estimated as where are equation errors .
12 A national industrial relations system formulated with labour organisations which are an adjunct to a successful nationalist movement , which has secured independence , may be expected to show some characteristics different from [ one ] in which national independence antedated the union movements or in which the union movements played a minor role in the nationalist movement .
13 Here we have examined a large group of subjects without symptoms covering a broad age range and in whom the H pylori state was known .
14 They rested on elbows , or lay stretched like Stars , stomachs in sand , smooth heads together , a brown hand lifting a white cigarette to a rose-painted mouth , and a line of malachite green smoke going up into the air , which was not here the intense cobalt of the plain of Orange , but pearl-cream-gold , a heavy air , soft and undulating like the pale sand and beyond it the warm , hazed , sand-green sea .
15 This fed directly into the large 40 foot high chimney that formerly graced the mill and of which the lower dressed masonry section remains .
16 The following are the principal cases where that leave would be forthcoming : ( 1 ) relief is sought against any person domiciled in England or Wales ; ( 2 ) an injunction is sought ordering the defendant to do an act or refrain from doing anything ( whether or not damages are also claimed in respect of a failure to do something or for the doing of that thing ) ; ( 3 ) the claim is brought against any person duly served within or out of England and Wales and a person out of England and Wales is a necessary or proper party thereto ; ( 4 ) the claim is founded on any breach or alleged breach of any contract wherever made , which : ( a ) according to its terms ought to be performed in England and Wales , or ( b ) is by its terms , or by implication , governed by English law , or ( c ) contains a term to the effect that a court in England or Wales shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any action in respect of the contract ; ( 5 ) the claim is founded on a tort and the damage was sustained or resulted from an act committed , within England and Wales ; ( 6 ) the whole subject-matter of the proceedings is land ( with or without rent or profits ) or the perpetuation of testimony relating to land ; ( 7 ) the claim is brought to construe , rectify , set aside or enforce an act , deed , will , contract , obligation or liability affecting land ; ( 8 ) the claim is made for a debt secured on immovable property or is made to assert , declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights , or rights of security , in or over movable property , or to obtain authority to dispose of movable property ; ( 9 ) the claim is brought to execute the trusts of a written instrument , being trusts that ought to be executed according to English law and of which the person to be served with the originating process is a trustee , or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is brought ; ( 10 ) the claim is made for the administration of the estate of a person who died domiciled in England or Wales or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is made ; ( 11 ) the claim is brought in a probate action within the meaning of Ord 41 ; ( 12 ) the claim is brought to enforce any judgment or arbitral award ; ( 13 ) the claim is brought against a defendant not domiciled in Scotland or Northern Ireland in respect of a claim by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue for or in relation to any of the duties of taxes which have been , or are for the time being , placed under their care and management ; ( 14 ) the claim is brought in respect of contributions under the Social Security Act 1975 ; ( 15 ) the claim is made for a sum to which the Directive of the Council of the European Communities dated 15 March 1976 No 76/308/EEC applies , and service is to be effected in a country which is a member of the European Economic Community .
17 Energetic international regulation of banking and tax laws , making it impossible for the mafiosi to launder their ill-gotten gains , would quickly destroy the Mafia and with it the myth of an irrepressible global conspiracy .
18 He could just make out the great empty arch of the east window and beyond it the shimmer of the North Sea while above , seeming to move through and over it like a censer , swung the smudged yellow disc of the moon .
19 Nevertheless , it is unrealistic to expect clients always to seek advice on these matters from sources other than the building designer , and a basic knowledge of planning law , compensation and the individual vagaries in attitudes of planning authorities is often the basis of releasing latent development value which is of tangible benefit and for which the client is prepared to pay high rewards .
20 It was wonderful to rinse off the lightly scented lather and with it the heat and grime and terror of a day she never wanted to repeat as long as she lived .
21 Leopold 's fear , on the other hand , was that Mozart might lose the appointment in Salzburg and with it the chance to begin paying off the debts .
22 This transfer of nearly 18% of his surplus away from UUUC reduced the UUUC vote to under five quotas and with it the number of UUUC candidates who were elected .
23 The pollution problems created in 1991 by the burning oil wells in Kuwait indicate the need for the United Nations to make deliberate large-scale devastation of the environment a ‘ war crime ’ for which victims could subsequently seek compensation and for which the perpetrators could be punished in the future .
24 A recognition of the need to maintain that sector and through it the full diversity of recorded music in Britain is one reason why the last few years has seen a new interest in the record industry from public bodies concerned with culture and with employment .
25 What everybody must realize is this , the trade union movement is the meat on the Labour Party 's bones and without us the Party would be a skeleton , lost in a political wilderness .
26 Sociolinguistics is most successful in explaining sex differences when it looks very carefully at the conditions of particular communities ' lives and at what the people themselves consider the most important influences on their behaviour .
27 We have seen how the corporatist welfare state which has emerged in this country over the past hundred years is a reflection of a humanist philosophy in which the creation of wealth is of less concern and morally inferior than its distribution , in which the pursuit of equality has become the dominant economic philosophy and in which the state rather than the individual has come to be held responsible for solving our problems .
28 This conception arises out of a ‘ distinct but recurring type of historical situation in which a fundamental challenge is directed at established institutions and in which the supporters of those institutions employ conservative ideology in their defense ’ .
29 That 's why I 'm pushing for the fight and for me the sooner the better .
30 The next development was of those which required a larger number of people to build them and became corporate activities and into which the community cattle and goods could be taken and defended .
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