Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Arguments in favour are that the video recording gives a more complete record because it shows what the lecturer writes on the board or displays on the Overhead Projector and it can also cover any demonstrations that are part of the lecture .
2 There were different sorts of T-shirts , each with an image and a slogan or comment on the status quo , some of which Malcolm designed and some of which were designed by Bernie and Malcolm together .
3 They may , for example ( to paraphrase the original submission ) either broaden their areas of study in order to learn the principles and methods of several disciplines or concentrate on a more extensive study of a single discipline .
4 God could part the Red Sea , Jesus could calm the storm or walk on the water .
5 This may be under a piece of tree bark , along a ledge of some kind or hidden on the ground among the undergrowth .
6 The success of the small claims system in these courts has shown that simplified procedures can enable people to conduct their own cases or rely on a lay adviser .
7 Roll up the paper , bit or curare on the pencil point .
8 As I walked out of another final-year class at fox Primary , the pupils were building complex models out of balsawood or working on the theories of gearing with big pieces of plastic Meccano .
9 The first concerns behaviours which are followed by the termination or cessation of unpleasant environmental events — for example , when shutting a window reduces the volume of traffic noise or turning on the heating reduces the discomfort from cold .
10 New toys are found for me and I play in the courtyard of the high-walled convent or slide on the waxed floors , too shy to talk to anyone .
11 It sounds easy but it is hard work , especially when trying not to crush creativity or step on the toes of hardworking marketing and advertising departments .
12 It 's cramped if there are four of you , but the atmosphere is very friendly and relaxed — neighbours popping in to borrow a cup of sugar or a 50p coin for the electricity meter , children running along the balconies or playing on the thin strip of grass between the blocks .
13 The customers were all men , heavily robed , standing in groups or leaning on the counter with no apparent desire to be served .
14 Whitty and Jones 's analysis stands or falls on the meaning of health , whether health services have an impact on health , and on the central functions of public health medicine .
15 This is a provision which is usually inserted , since , once an order has been placed , it becomes a separate contract , with a life of its own , and stands or falls on the terms and conditions which govern it .
16 The ‘ splash ’ effect of a harp glissando is much enhanced by the addition of a stroke or roll on the cymbals with a soft stick .
17 We still work in the same building , so we 'll often pop into each other 's offices or talk on the phone , although Peter often blips me on my computer .
18 You may not have heard of the journalist or author concerned but that does not mean that they are not engaged on a bona fide testing programme or working on a first-class magazine feature .
19 Now only a single motif could be seen , worn openly on chest or collar , on hems or in the form of jewellery , on pendants about the neck or emblazoned on a ring or brooch : the double-helix of heredity .
20 If you have some experience and would have expected the remedy to work then put a pencil dot or mark on the bottle .
21 And if I do read a paper it wo n't be for for very long because all the stuff it 's got in it I 've seen it one telly or heard on the radio .
22 They are men who rationally weigh up the advantage of conformity to criminal demands or staying on the path of righteousness ; for the most part they choose the former simply because it does not weigh on their conscience and because it seems more likely to secure economic and career advancement within the corporation .
23 They participate in large numbers in the political arena — they always have — but they do not define their own demands or decide on the direction of movement .
24 In the history of British participation in world-class events there has never been any recognition or backing on a national scale .
25 Meanwhile Stanley made short work of undoing the nuts , pulling off the old wheel and slipping on the new .
26 Drivers of both groups said that drunken passengers were a problem : they ‘ messed about ’ in the car , grabbed the steering wheel and pulled on the handbrake .
27 The jeep continued to bounce and surge along the rutted , forlorn track that led , Robyn prayed , to the barn and to help , for several more minutes , while she gripped the wheel and perched on the edge of her seat , peering through the rain for any signs of civilisation .
28 All I 'm saying is , I doubt if there are men practising the Black Arts and meeting on a regular basis for drunken orgies the way Parsons ’ and Dashwood 's men did .
29 If this advice is ignored , the torque of the seven-foot-diameter propeller , and the airflow it sends corkscrewing down the fuselage and acting on the large fin , causes the relatively light 207 to suddenly aim for the left-hand side of the runway .
30 Despite these real successes , however , my sense is that now is a time to take stock and to reflect on the theoretical , pedagogic and political foundations of multiculturalism and antiracism .
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