Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( I am not entirely clear about the wording of the sentence which I have emphasised , but I think the sense is that the accused can be convicted of obtaining by deception , whether the offence has taken the form of larceny by a trick or obtaining by false pretences . )
2 He stepped forward and retreated at the little garden gate as though rebuffed by some force field or buffeted by some invisible gale which had no effect on the branches of the little trees and evergreens in the front gardens of the cottages .
3 Thus , intertidal zones and estuaries in particular tend to be extremely rich , even though they are battered by waves or scarified by rapid waters , are sometimes dry and sometimes wet , and pose all kinds of chemical problems as the salinity may swing from fresh to super-saturated .
4 They find their way to alternative allergists because they read articles in newspapers and magazines that are written by naive journalists or planted by efficient public relations experts .
5 There is also a lack of affordable housing for rent or purchase by young couples in the villages .
6 Possibly the Edinburgh-Glasgow push-pull trains represented the sector 's highest quality product , being formed of Mark 3 stock and powered by smart and newly overhauled Class 47/7 locomotives .
7 Would you please let me have the photos we supplied for your exhibition , so that they can be added to our stock and used by other people .
8 Increase the heat under the stock and reduce by half .
9 Quite apart from the obvious undesirability of verbal agreements for the sale or purchase of land , no transfer of land can be validly achieved in France other than by an acte de vente , which is a notarial document prepared by a Notary and signed by all parties or their Attorneys before him …
10 Composed of an allover arrangement of repeating vases and considered by many experts to be one of the most aesthetically accomplished of all Persian designs .
11 During the decade 1970–80 , serious crimes recorded by the police increased for nearly every category : violence against the person rose by 136 per cent , burglary by 44 per cent , robbery by 138 per cent , theft and handling by 54 per cent and fraud and forgery by 18 per cent .
12 There is a comfortable bar , a lounge and a panoramic restaurant , and outside , a sea water swimming pool is set in a large sun terrace and surrounded by overhanging trees .
13 At municipal and provincial levels party committees were to be reduced from seven to five members who would , for the first time , be selected from lists of multiple candidates and elected by secret ballot .
14 In Egypt , Lords Cromer and Milner , enthroned in marble halls and surrounded by British soldiers , thought of themselves as playing , with the utmost discretion , an exceptionally difficult lone hand ; they delighted in the formal restrictions placed on British power , though everyone in Egypt knew them to be of no practical consequence .
15 The company 's sales operations in the United Kingdom were based in Berkshire and controlled by one of its directors .
16 Consequence : Boost to production and idealism : idealism counterbalanced by fear and threatened by worsening privation as attacks on ‘ corruption ’ begin to bite ; growth partially nullified by a worsening of distribution problems as the second economy is rolled back .
17 That conversion sealed the game 's only try , carved out by Piet Hendriks and Hennie le Roux and finished by former Leicester and Scotland B hooker Harry Roberts .
18 The purpose of the award is to encourage the pursuit of excellence in Christian literature written by Australian authors and produced by Australian publishers .
19 JTPs are operating in a vacuum , with some schemes attempting to provide quality training while constrained by inadequate funds and overloaded by bureaucratic paper work .
20 Here is the archetypal mid-Wales upland village , set at a confluence of river valleys among tree-lined pastures and overlooked by forested hills .
21 Some were dragged out of their cars and butchered by angry crowds in the street .
22 The garden , with all its vivacious attendant personalities , has become a vista of flat concrete , perfect for parking cars and marked by yellow lines .
23 It was only the thought of this poor baby in me that made me stir at all and get myself to a friend of Ferdinando 's who is in the way of knowing all the business of the street being a wine-merchant and visited by all .
24 This has had political and analytical ramifications , with the inner city debate frequently lacking a left perspective , leaving the field to a contest between liberal assertions of the case for sympathy ( ESRC , 1986 ; Robson , 1988 ; MacGregor and Pimlott , 1990 ; Wilson , 1987 ) and more recent and robust demands on the right for a faith in strategies of benign neglect based on market led regeneration and tempered by occasional state facilitation of the private sector ( Savas , 1983 ; Trippier , 1989 ) .
25 As the jury foreman delivered the guilty verdit , Kelly , standing in the dock and flanked by three prison officers , showed no emotion .
26 After a shaky start , Tyrone moved into top gear and led by five points at half-time with a series of spectacular points by Ciaran McBride , Colm Donnelly and Brian Catterson .
27 The one-day course , held at Brunel Technical College and attended by 25 people , began with lecture demonstrations explaining the scientific principles of cooking and ended with a gourmet meal in the company of tutors and guests , which provided an opportunity to discuss science in general .
28 White-collar crime is crime that is centred around systematic fraud and fiddling by white-collar , middle-class employers and employees .
29 Thus the number of 17p stamps which could be bought for a pound could be obtained by converting the pound to 100p and dividing by 17 .
30 Commentators suggested that the key factor in the Marxist MLSTP 's defeat was the country 's economic crisis , marked by labour disputes in recent months and exacerbated by collapsing world prices for the country 's economic mainstay , cocoa .
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