Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [art] next " in BNC.

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1 This column argues that maximising revenue and making the next World Cup accessible to all are incompatible .
2 He begins to doubt himself , lowering his self-confidence and self-esteem and making the next approach to a girl more difficult .
3 What do you do — put your ideas to one side and spend the next few months feeling deflated ; or do you take out a Midland Personal Loan now and enjoy the benefits of your purchase , paying the money back in easy stages ?
4 The refuge worker suggests ringing up the council to check the arrears and clarify the next move .
5 Allitt was arrested on 21 May and released the next day .
6 But not many people did see it and he was left with a clutch of good notices , a prospect of the West End which would say no , most times , to the sort of plays he was right for and a generous offer from Anthony Quayle to come back to Shakespeare in Stratford and tackle the next range of roles .
7 William was given command of a schooner and spent the next 6 years trading on Lake Erie .
8 Children make progress at various speeds at different ages and by watching their activities and offering the next stage when they are ready for it teachers can give them the breadth of experience that will make the formal work of later years more meaningful .
9 Testing of children has always legitimately had separate purposes : diagnostic — to enable the teacher to calibrate their own assessment of a child 's difficulty and judge the next best line for development ; setting of tests to establish mastery of a particular piece of learning when of concept , skill or information ; and standardised to set one 's own information against some comparators .
10 In the event Labour received marginally more votes than the Tories , in an election in which the two parties took a larger share of the total votes than ever before , but because of the geography of electoral support in relation to constituency boundaries it was the Tories who gained the majority of seats in Parliament and formed the next government .
11 We prop the grating open with another branch and spend the next half-hour pulling fallen branches and logs from all over that part of the hill , dragging them into the clump of bushes and throwing them into the shaft ; we snap dead branches off trees and bushes and haul and peel living ones off ; we scrape together armfuls of dry leaf litter and throw those over the edge of the chimney , too ; everything goes under the grating and down into the shaft .
12 The judge retires for the night to consider his sentence and returns the next day to jail Leonard McLean for eighteen months .
13 Fifthly , the process of reviewing progress and reestablishing the next round of tasks allows any achievement to be reinforced .
14 I phone Andy and confirm it 's still all right to visit , then I ring Eddie and get the next three days off , tell the cops — they 're based at Fettes , though the DI has gone back down to London , and no they 're still not giving me back my new portable yet — and ( after I 've cleaned the car up a bit ) head out of the city and across the grey bridge in a day of squally , buffeting rain that has the bridge 's 40-limit signs on , high-sided vehicles banned and the 205 dancing its Dunlops sideways as the gusts hit .
15 Jog back to where you started the hill and do the next repeat .
16 ( ii ) Familiar faces The same presenter will introduce the programme each week and may appear between items to give explanations and introduce the next sequence .
17 They work as if they must get rich by the evening and die the next day .
18 Then he picked up Darmid 's sword and met the next grypesh with a savage thrust that disembowelled it .
19 She was determined that it was n't he who had affected her appetite either , and went down to dinner that night and ate quite a substantial meal , only to return to her room and spend the next hour again having trouble ousting the wretched man .
20 The key to the success of such releases , though , is always that you do not have to pay for them with significant amounts of guilt or regret the next morning .
21 Taff , the mortar team , and all the others who were present one day and gone the next , some to hospital in England , and others to a shallow grave here in Normandy .
22 The whole family liked to be heard , as if they wanted people to know they were alive in a world where young and old alike were here one day and gone the next .
23 ‘ In my occupation the people you meet tend to be here one day and gone the next — or I am , since I work freelance .
24 At least I do n't think so , ’ I told her , but she just smiled and told me she had no further use for me that day and to call the next day which was to be a school holiday .
25 He knows that individual managerial excellence can be achieved one day and lost the next .
26 I continued walking the streets for three years , sometimes making a good deal of money , sometimes none , feasting one day and starving the next .
27 She was forced to withdraw from the next event and missed the next few weeks of the Tour .
28 It 's just a man failing to reappear , that 's all — now you see him , now you do n't that 's the only thing that 's real : here one minute and gone the next and never coming back — an exit , unobtrusive and unannounced , a disappearance gathering weight as it goes on , until , finally , it is heavy with death .
29 ‘ It makes you realise your life can be here one minute and gone the next , ’ Alison told her mum in a trans-Atlantic telephone call .
30 She had spent all afternoon trying to ask Nanny more , but Nanny had been in a funny mood , laughing one minute and crying the next , and not making any sense of anything she said .
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