Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Usually the most that governments have been prepared to do is to publicise their activities and/or to seek voluntary undertakings .
2 Is it strictly true to say that ‘ An act done before the giving of a promise to make a payment or to confer some benefit can sometimes be consideration for the promise ’ ?
3 The animals ' food often contains toxic test substances or they may be forced to swallow huge capsules or have toxic creams rubbed into their raw skin .
4 This method of deciding the right time to sow was recommended by Fitzherbert , the sixteenth-century writer on agriculture : ‘ go upon the land that is plowed and if it synge or crye or make any noise under they fete , then it is to wet to sowe .
5 An SBU or divisional manager will be motivated to seek appropriate investments if he knows clearly what the generic strategy for his SBU is ( he would presumably have participated in determining it ) , is aware of what is expected of him in terms of building or maintaining competitive strengths , and knows that early-warning indicators will be set up to monitor how his investments are contributing to the improvement or maintenance of those specific strengths .
6 A family with many sons could farm its land successfully without the burden of paying farm workers and could if necessary send a son to work in the nearest town or city to earn money to pay back debts or to buy more land .
7 Where a project requires technical expertise it may also be necessary for the company to recruit suitably qualified personnel or seek outside advice if the expertise is lacking , both at the outset and during the course of the project .
8 This makes any comparative analysis of data recorded at different times or using different aggregation units problematical .
9 Can embargo be a useful instrument to protect lead times or influence Soviet policy ?
10 The same individual may suffer from both conditions at different times or have some features of both conditions at the same time .
11 GIBSON Byrdland , sunburst , 1962 , Venetian cutaway , all original , excellent condition with case , £2,250 or swap other guitars .
12 17.1 If in the Publisher 's opinion the Work should cease to have a sufficiently remunerative sale the Publisher may either remainder or waste any copies remaining on hand .
13 16.1 If in the Publisher 's opinion the Work should cease to have a sufficiently remunerative sale the Publisher may either remainder or waste any copies remaining on hand .
14 Either keeping personal creditors accounts or making sundry creditors adjustments can consume inordinate amounts of administrative and accounting time .
15 To get a job with some other pernickety employers you might have to run a marathon , walk a dog , sprout some hair or shed some weight .
16 This need not detract from the magic of listening to a story or require any re-scheduling of the traditional story hour .
17 But nothing in the response of the Al Fayeds ' advisers , for all its bluster and menace , rebutted my basic case or added one jot of information to explain the origins of the brothers ' wealth .
18 According to the report , the New York-based Lawyers ' Committee for Human Rights had obtained evidence that the 17 had been charged with " vague and broadly worded offences " under a 1965 government decree which outlawed actions " opposing any of the goals of the revolution , or advocating any disorderly acts or publishing false news with the aim of causing disorder " .
19 After dinner the Colonel gave all the officers tasks , such as playing bridge , winding up the gramophone or reading suitable books .
20 to acquire new practical or cognitive skills or to update existing skills .
21 Since these qualities are fundamentally expressions of values , attitudes and feelings within the persons , traditional in-service training approaches which concentrate on conveying new knowledge , imparting particular skills or prescribing certain patterns of behaviour are insufficient for headship development .
22 Similarly , while it is true that the military do play a more crucial role than in the past , it is one thing to say this and another to argue that the heads of the four services are in some manner an elite or share similar goals .
23 Use the runny kind of honey or mix some water with the stiffer kind to make it runny .
24 In Lewes , as in many other Sussex towns , the patriotism of the Bonfire displays , heightened during the wars with France , could spill easily over into a week of repeated apprentice riots , with the participants throwing bricks through the windows of unpopular employers or threatening personal violence and arson .
25 Plant and animal breeding programmes have utilised a crude form of genetic engineering by crossing or interbreeding related species in the anticipation that the offspring will contain preferred characteristics .
26 No person or group has claimed responsibility or given any reason for the attacks .
27 The whole thrust of the current strategy whether to increase the number of shareholders or to extend parental choice in education is to strengthen the position of the existing middle class and to bring the ‘ new' technological and service working class within the capitalist net .
28 ‘ The justices however failed to make any determination , or failed to make any finding or state any reasons for finding as to whether ( i ) there was any genuine alternative to the making of a secure accommodation order ; ( ii ) all other alternatives had been comprehensively considered and rejected .
29 ’ She lay on her bed for hours leading righteous riots of millhands against languid tophatted fops or hardfaced bowlerhatted men of iron and steel .
30 If you can define the area with a different floor level or use one arm of an L-shaped room , so much the better .
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