Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 Matt eventually replaces it with an electric violin , deep on echo and reverb , swelling and rolling like a full orchestra , pitching the sombre melodies into the realms of classic film soundtracks .
2 As the Post Office Authorities only favour us with two mails weekly at this time of the year , your impression of Saturday first will not reach this remote whisky-making comer of Her Majestie 's dominions until the morning will have dawned when Shepherds first received the tidings .
3 He walked into the corridor , tiredness suddenly overcoming him with the prospect of a few hours off , and very nearly knocked Catherine Crane over in his preoccupation .
4 A couple of years of university so familiarises us with this idea that literature dissolves entirely into the drudgery of reading and writing crit .
5 One of the Taï chimpanzee mothers , Ricci , was kind enough to provide us with the first record of observable active teaching ( acceptable to a psychologist ) in a non-human animal in the wild .
6 There might not be money for Frederick Bissett 's salary or funds enough to supply him with badly needed back-up , but by God , oh yes , there was money for the building programme .
7 The innocent words suddenly filled me with horror : there had been a time before I was born , a time when I had not existed , a time when I lacked individual consciousness — this last being the most horrifying notion .
8 Depictions of the nativity meanwhile show her with her son , with Joseph , the angels , the ox and the ass , the shepherds and the magi : with all the characters who make up the Christmas story .
9 Wirral Social Services Department temporarily placed her with foster parents and a case conference will take place this morning .
10 Do n't forget membership of the Squash Club also provides you with full membership of the Sportcentre , and therefore allows you to utilise all its facilities , whether it be the new 2nd Nature Gymnasia , the sauna , or just trying out some of the many activities available at the centre .
11 The idea of sub-contracting an exhibition piece now fills me with abject horror .
12 The final conclusion I come to therefore is that , though the theories of plate tectonics now provide us with a modus operandi , they still seem to me to be a periodic phenomenon .
13 I bought another dress in Barnard Castle made from very fine material with a flared skirt , and the Daily Mail kindly presented me with a broad-brimmed floral hat and a pair of white gloves to take some very nice photographs .
14 Although research may appear as logical analysis and mere statistics to you , clients sometimes endow it with a kind of magic .
15 Why then did Gregory specifically associate him with Chlodomer 's invasion of 524 ?
16 Apricot are actually sending their prospective dealers on a two day up-front training course just to familiarise them with the market and what it is likely to entail .
17 Ice on steps and pathways is a real danger in winter so sprinkle them with sand .
18 These heavily-armoured dorads are easily entangled in fine nets so catch them with care .
19 A sky-blue bus lumbered past , then they shot out on to the curving mountain road behind it , and a second later overtook it with a roar that must have terrified the already nervous passengers , as the buses always drove maniacally around these bends , desperate to stick to their schedule right down to the last fraction of a second .
20 Italy , France and Spain also honoured him with medals and ribbons , but in England , his native homeland , he never achieved quite the same degree of recognition .
21 The place of work also provides us with a base for social interaction .
22 I said that literary work often left me with a depressed feeling .
23 The housemistress even presented me with a glass of milk at lunch .
24 He 'd lied about Tara , lied about Nicola Schreider … assured her she was n't his type then pursued her with consummate skill until his ego was satisfied that she was ripe for seduction …
25 The delicious Rob Walker who , in a journalistic disguise , was and is still around in the sport , must be the only other man I ever met in FI who while at the heart of the sport never took it with the grim tenacity with which the more parvenu consider the business of winning and losing .
26 Tony Wedd taught me to spot them as possible ley markers , and the sight of a clump or an individual pine standing alone on a ridge still fills me with excitement , perhaps a resonance with the ancient traveller to whom such a sight meant the security and guidance that the straight tracks provided .
27 Um also by that time er perhaps with a bit more experience of the world you 've got a bit more to compare it with and you 've got a strong sense that this is unjust , unreasonable and that other people do n't have to suffer from it .
28 Mars your ruling planet normally endows you with drive , but as Saturn grows nearer your energy level will decrease now how about that ?
29 Elaine just left you with us — and disappeared .
30 They 're so much more satisfactorily final and distinguished than weddings ; and christenings always fill me with great unease and pessimism and I do n't like sugared almonds . ’
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