Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Control individuals show weak staining in the apical region of the enterocytes thereby showing an uptake of PT-gliadin .
2 It was also a shock to discover that their father 's investments only yielded an income of some £190 per annum net , considerably less than Warnie ( desperate to leave the Army and live on his pension ) had been hoping .
3 Higher spending need not of course necessarily imply an improvement in the standard of health care provided .
4 The Economist sensibly saw an electricity tax as a way of resolving this problem , but , with the Conservative opposition ready to taunt the Government with unfairly raising prices , the prospects of a rational price policy were not good .
5 Magistrate Pamela Long made an order under the Children 's and Young Persons ' Act banning publication of details which might lead to the baby 's identity .
6 An unusual fairy godmother — the Treasury — came to the rescue with a ¼ p.c. reduction in betting duty which enabled both sides to get something out of the negotiations and allowed the Home Secretary to please everyone , something which home secretaries rarely find an opportunity to do .
7 Such formulae only give an indication .
8 Robyn could barely think , let alone string coherent words together to form an answer .
9 The analysis gives a maximum condition so generating an envelope of certainty ( see Figure 5.12 ) .
10 Political violence alone claims an average of 10 lives a day .
11 Tony Bailey , when he was talking just now , talked in terms of schools perhaps having an element of democracy within them .
12 Mummy only wanted an excuse to get at me anyway . ’
13 Sue normally drives an estate car but found plenty of room in the Volvo 460 — just as well with all three children home for half-term .
14 Similarly , the idea of time is not extracted from any observation of actual coexistence and succession ; on the contrary , any significant references to coexistence and succession already presuppose an idea of time .
15 Some deputies had voted against an Anglo-French expedition because they thought that Egypt was a distraction from the proper concern of a French government over the lost provinces ; other Frenchmen already envisaged an understanding with Russia .
16 The result nevertheless represented an improvement on Les verts ' share of 0.35 per cent of the vote in the first round of the last legislative elections in 1988 .
17 It may be doubted , for example , that a single act could give rise to a sensation of harassment ; it would be an unusual use of language to say that a person was harassing another by a single act ( such as a wolf whistle ) , since that term generally connotes an element of persistence .
18 Leaving aside for the time being the question of ‘ hostile intent , ’ it is plain that it is not enough that the defendant deliberately does an act that has the incidental effect of obstructing the police ; he must also have some notion that he is obstructing and causing the police difficulties .
19 Even close up the Mad Axe still has an air of quality about it and the finish is one of the best I 've seen on a Korean guitar .
20 She went from Lambeth Pier to Chelsea Harbour yesterday to visit an exhibition by the Royal Society of British Sculptors .
21 This car also contained an office for the doctors and a store for linen .
22 Schools also have an existence in time and place .
23 The Department also offers an MSc.
24 The department also offers an honours degree in Spanish and Portuguese .
25 The last two computers also need an interface unit which is supplied in the package .
26 Manager Doug Laughton also showed an interest in Manly 's ex-Wigan centre Kevin Iro .
27 At Theodore 's urging in 686 , Aldfrith also made an attempt to resolve the outstanding quarrel with Wilfrid and Theodore certainly seems to have prevailed on the king to restore Wilfrid first of all to Hexham ( during a vacancy there , Eata having died , though in 687 John of Beverley , a monk of Whitby , was appointed bishop ) ; then to York ( from which see Bosa , who was still alive in 704 ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 54 ) , was removed ) and Ripon ( from where Eadhaed was also removed ) ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 44 ) .
28 Yamaha also operate an R&D Studio in Tokyo , which up to 1000 artists pass through each year , and the Yamaha Guitar Design facility in North Hollywood , USA , where developments such as the Pacifica , Attitude basses and Weddington models originated .
29 A cup of tea also has an effect , though not as powerful as coffee , which makes psychologists think it is the caffeine in both which counts .
30 Taya also announced an amnesty ( further to those of March — see p. 38085-86 ) to benefit up to 70 political detainees .
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