Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 The grey outline of the submarine slowly disappeared into the darkness , and they were alone .
2 This opposition eventually developed into the Resources Protection Campaign .
3 They realised that with a car slowly sinking into the marsh there was not a minute to spare .
4 This situation is a common occurrence in stronger winds when the inexperienced sailor lacks the technique to sheet in fully , so he edges along partly ‘ closing the door ’ , and as a result slowly turns into the wind .
5 Naturally , the Hagen make the ‘ Muss es sein ? ’ phrase , to the questioning figure which Beethoven thereby put into the musical vernacular , severe and demanding ; so it is , but the answer has a positive affirmation which does not exclude merriment .
6 The intuition is that , as delivery approaches , the future slowly turns into the spot .
7 He left behind him a police force outraged by his treachery and a judicial establishment unable to believe that , for the first time , a South African policeman was prepared to tell all about the dirty tricks departments , the hit squads , the assassination detachments and the enormous , shabby , meritorious , violent conspiracy so interwoven into the blood and guts of the South African security services that its agents can no longer tell the difference between criminal pursuits and active police work .
8 Shell-fire suddenly tore into the roof of the mobile boardroom .
9 The figure suddenly jumped into the water .
10 As he spoke an icy wind suddenly blew into the room .
11 After spending some time in an all-night diner on 42nd Street , a calculatedly unshaven Dustin just melted into the atmosphere .
12 Schools thus slipped into the danger of carrying out a new range of management tasks without the benefit of fresh definitions .
13 , British customs officers have seized 17 tonnes of coral illegally imported into the country from the Philippines — a major source of reef coral despite the fact that local laws prohibit its collection and export .
14 Another effect of the phrase would seem to be that it enables the person uttering the remarks or engaging in the behaviour to assert that he was unaware of the presence of his audience , which duplicates the requirements of intention now built into the section .
15 The defacing of posters may be a natural intuitive desire to turn the perfect images thereon displayed into the imbalanced , imperfect , real life state .
16 He fought Christ 's battles there for ten years — it must have been like our brave missionaries now going into the wildest and most uncivilised parts of Africa — because the pagan King Morken was his enemy and envied the fame of Kentigern .
17 At one point the driver slammed on the brakes causing the police car behind to run into the back of the vehicle … the car was badly damaged … the two officers inside were taken to hospital for treatment to whiplash injuries .
18 But titles and businesses ca n't survive as landmarks and in the last advertising revenue increasingly moved into the proliferating newspaper magazine supplements .
19 George Burley presently came into the dining car and spoke for a while to Nell , who subsequently went from table to table , clipboard in place , repeating what he 'd said .
20 Mr Byrne visited Amiens , which is twinned with Darlington , a few months ago to look into the possibility of setting up a link .
21 Greenidge and Fredericks immediately laid into the bowlers , bringing up 50 in 8.3 overs , 100 in 18.2 overs , and at lunch after 27 overs they were 147 without loss .
22 The idea that dinosaurs simply radiated into the ecological niches that had already been vacated , and that mammals I 30 million or so years later did the same thing after the dinosaurs had departed , has profound philosophical implications .
23 At his trial , Nicolae Ceauşescu simply switched into the public half of the doublethink which he had imbibed for five decades .
24 She parked the hired Audi Coupe in front of the wire fence then reached into the back for the holdall containing the Geiger-Muller counter which she had managed to buy after numerous telephone calls to a succession of Lausanne retailers .
25 He called once more without result then advanced into the room .
26 The friend replies that it was A. For Wigner the electron 's wavepacket then collapses into the state in which the spin is definitely " up " .
27 4 The defender then turns into the strike she is about to deliver , thus adding more power to the knife hand to the attacker 's throat .
28 ‘ The aircraft then turned into the Harbour , climbed to sixty feet , identified a ship of approximately 5,000 to 8,000 tons and attacked it .
29 The rear gunner returned fire , but the aircraft then dived into the sea in flames , this being confirmed by A.A. gunners at a coastal battery .
30 The National Council meeting in Spring unanimously elected into the Company of Fellows and the presentation of his certificate took place at the Peebles conference .
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