Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [v-ing] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Wounded during the robbery , Roth ( Mr Orange ) actually spends most of the movie slowly bleeding to death , while Harvey Keitel ( the sentimental old-time thief Mr White ) , Steve Buscemi ( the motormouth obsessive Mr Pink ) and Michael Madsen ( the quietly psychopathic Mr Blonde ) bicker and brawl about who sold them out .
2 With legs slowly turning to jelly , I skied down hard , icy snow , followed by spring snow , then slush .
3 Again , the liability depends upon the money or property in question being received in the ordinary course of the receiving partner 's activities within the firm and not upon any authority vested in himsee Willett v Chambers ( 1778 ) Cowp 814 ( misapplication of moneys received from a client for investment on mortgage , the client being billed in the name of the firm ) , Rhodes v Moules [ 1895 ] 1 Ch 236 ( partner absconding with bearer share warrants proffered by client as collateral security for a mortgage loan , where the firm was in the habit of receiving such securities from its clients ) and Blair v Bromley ( 1847 ) 12 Ph 354 ( misapplication of money by a partner who paid interest on it to the client , the fraud only coming to light on the partner 's bankruptcy .
4 Continue along the coast soon keeping to left of lighthouse buildings at St Abb 's Head ; briefly join lighthouse road , but it is best almost immediately to divert off it to rejoin cliff-top for sea views .
5 Could there really be a building site in the middle of this swamp rapidly reverting to nature after a brief and unsuccessful flirtation with civilization , Zen wondered ?
6 Did you say something about Mr Boulez perhaps returning to work at the opera ?
7 For they were melting as she stood there , and she seemed to be liquid inside too , her limbs strangely turning to water .
8 Inhabits , lower levels than Ptarmigan , tundra , arctic prairies with birch and willow scrub , and heather moors and bogs ; in winter sometimes descending to farmland .
9 Official sources were yesterday unable to explain why the restrictions had been brought in , including whether they had been designed to reduce the risk of leaks to loyalists of the type recently coming to light .
10 Bit of writing , bit of tennis , bit of reading ( to kill time ) , few beers in the evening before going to bed thinking what a waste my life is .
11 The last step but one creaked protestingly and she grimaced apprehensively , her body almost turning to stone as she waited for Dane to suddenly appear and demand to know what she was doing .
12 He spent his first summer from Cambridge in leisurely visits to his family , staying first with his brother Edward in Salisbury then travelling to Ottery for one of the few lengthy returns he had made since childhood .
13 The subsidies of 1514 , 1515 , and 1516 abandoned the separate assessment of the peerage by rank and levied taxation entirely according to income .
14 Meanwhile , Twinhead 's Twinstation MP , a dual-processor Sparctstaion 2-compatible offering , already out in the US , is due to hit the UK shortly according to director , Allen Wu .
15 It is difficult to assess the long term benefit of such a campaign as individual cases now coming to light clearly heard some of the publicity which was beneficial to them at the time but did not result in them making a call at that particular time .
16 The results of these changes are a leakage of pepsinogen into the circulation leading to elevated plasma pepsinogen levels and the loss of plasma proteins into the gut lumen eventually leading to hypoalbuminaemia .
17 Street lights were starting to come on in the distance , crimson slivers slowly brightening to orange .
18 Cos I 'm doing about what , about three hundred fi three hundred fifty miles a week just going to work and back
19 Basically my message said that I could make some general comments mainly relating to style rather than accuracy but if the deadline had passed so be it .
20 The other point that raises from the agreement is that we have to agree , agree a purchasing plan with the Health Authority particularly relating to nursing home care , and that purchasing plan at the moment is still at the draft stages because as Mike referred to earlier , we have no information from the Department of Health on the percentage of the funding to be spent in the independent sector .
21 ‘ Oh , Dorothy my dear , there is a poor dog absolutely stifling to death in a car outside .
22 Betty Syrett the Teachers ' Representative on the Executive Committee has the following area representatives through whom comments , complaints , requests etc relating to teaching , training and Medau interests in general can channelled .
23 With recession dragging Germany down , and the hardware price wars increasingly spreading to software prospects for the rest of the year look rather less rosy .
24 Overactivity by the parasympathetic can also result in bowel disturbances , or contraction of the bronchi producing asthma , or over-secretion of acid by the stomach eventually leading to stomach ulcers .
25 Villa 's sharp shooters , mounting a serious championship bid , switch their sights to the Coca-Cola Cup tonight aiming to gun down Oxford .
26 Progress on these areas of activity should be detailed , with a statement also relating to achievement of targets .
27 Like so many of the men now rising to leadership in poor countries , he has done a stint at the World Bank , and is regarded as capable .
28 Death was treated with a certain deference , although the passing of a sitting MP was regarded either as a blessing in disguise ( ‘ never liked him ’ ) or , if the Party was unpopular , as a confounded nuisance , a by-election inevitably leading to exposure , expense and humiliating defeat .
29 So we 've cleansed off the cleanser now going to tissue dry Now toner is in a spray bottle , so we 're going to gently use the spray over Molly 's face .
30 To claim that Britain has nurtured something in a matter ultimately pertaining to worship ( the choral singing of cathedral and chapel ) which is purified and controlled beyond anything possessed by Catholic Europe , which is purged of excessive artifice and rhetoric ( Continental reviewers consistently find English a cappella performances impassive ) and whose excellence gives Britain a mission these are among the ideas that have been the principal source of British national identity since the Act of Union in 1707 and were a foundation stone of English identity long before .
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