Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , when he was invited to visit Bridgnorth ( Shropshire ) in early July , rival crowds made alternative bonfires , " where about one they drank Dr Sacheverell 's health and the other his confusion " , with the inevitable result that the two groups eventually fell to blows .
2 The earliest extensions or additions may be discreetly sited and carefully designed , but very quickly the hut syndrome is underway and the house is rapidly surrounded by one- or two-storey flat-roofed extensions of the very utilitarian kind mercilessly caricatured by Osbert Lancaster .
3 Northern Sakhalin was not evacuated until 1925 , when a series of sticky negotiations between Japan and various Soviet authorities eventually culminated in recognition of the USSR and the restoration of diplomatic relations .
4 February 24 , 1977 The solicitors successfully appealed to Kerr J. and the third party notice was restored .
5 The missing boy was n't really interfering with the progress of the Connon case , because the progress only existed in theory .
6 American exports only rose by 38% between 1922 and 1929 , while the rate of manufacturing rose by 50% .
7 In case anyone should question these financial allocations , can we point out that they only move the film and crafts sectors towards the level of support long enjoyed in England and Wales .
8 Ten minutes after the break Middlesbrough suddenly burst into attack with two good chances in a minute .
9 Ballet traces its origins to the great court spectacles of the Renaissance and horses participated in the ‘ horse ballets ’ — both horses and royal riders gorgeously caparisoned by artists such as Henri Gissey .
10 ( The General Next to God , Collins ) Many of his far-reaching proposals only came to fruition during the social reforms after the Second World War .
11 The small bulb inside exploded into life , displaying his clothes .
12 Through the Double Cross Committee , usually known as the XX Committee , these turned spies sent back to Germany a steady stream of fictitious information garnished with sufficient truth to give it credibility , which the Germans apparently accepted without question .
13 The story only waned in popularity when Mandela was released : why hang on to the book , if it existed , at the time when it was most likely to sell ?
14 Her case only came to light because the Health Authority meeting were mistakenly sent to the media .
15 ‘ Do you know that in the mythology of Earth the concept of freedom only came into existence after male and female ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil .
16 Wordsworth explains how his own mind slowly arrived at maturity , how he dedicated himself to poetry , and how after being diverted by Cambridge , France and Godwinism , his imagination was restored , a vision of the eternal Mind granted to him on Snowdon ( Prelude 1805 , xiii , 1–119 ) and his poetic vocation assured .
17 And given the extensive fear of denunciation for critical or defeatist comment , it is hardly surprising that negative remarks about the speeches rarely came to light .
18 Bucephalus eventually died of wounds at thirty years of age , in 326 BC , following Alexander 's war with the Indian king , Porus .
19 * But such doubts rarely appeared in print .
20 The remains of the iron overshot water wheel eventually went for scrap in the late 1960s .
21 Then Julius 's mouth closed over hers again , his hands began a series of loving , teasing caresses , and Jessamy forgot everything except that this was her brilliant , stubborn , bullish husband whom she loved very much , and a bright future suddenly shone in front of them .
22 Laidlaw trailed off when a car suddenly came into view at the other end of the dimly lit street .
23 After scenes of tension memorably recounted by Edward Hyde , first Earl of Clarendon [ q.v . ] ,
24 to Coronation Street do not know all the facts of course , we are ignorant of the finer points of the time gone by , but why is Deirdre so lasted to Ken I 've yet to catch up with Wednesday night 's proceedings on my video contraption , but the last thing that I heard Deirdre say to Ken as he was recovering on a put-u-up in her front room was , I 'm stuck with you till you back on your feet and as far as I 'm concerned it ca n't come soon enough for me , Ken lay there immobile , stunned , a cruel carry on , what 's the poor chap done , but then I 've missed too much
25 From then on , South Metropolitan cars only ran to Penge on odd occasions , usually as football extras on Saturday afternoons , or for track maintenance .
26 The bear apparently fled in terror , yelling and howling , but contemporary accounts tell a different story , where the bear in fact knocked Lambert down and he was so fat he could not get up !
27 On his infrequent leaves , the permissionaire from Verdun naturally gravitated towards Paris .
28 The rise in the price of oil had little immediate impact , but the collapse of world stock markets , the fall in demand , especially in the USA , for Hong Kong exports and the fear that Japanese banks would cut back on investment all led to growth predictions being revised downwards , in some instance to negative growth .
29 However , new investment only amounted to £91m .
30 The interview inside revolved around vegetarianism .
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