Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Let us now turn to one of the definitions most favoured in the literature , albeit mostly in an implicit form .
2 ‘ No regular job , but does n't draw social security or benefits from the unemployment office — ’ I knew that was a con for a start , as the cops rarely liaised with the Social Security people , let alone with the income tax ferrets , thank God' — and yet no known criminal source of income .
3 In some ways employers effectively connived with the unions in sustaining costly work practices .
4 The narrator makes his presence most felt by a series of moralistic or sacrilegious apostrophes : comments on events within the text .
5 He did , and with a most impressive gargling technique rarely heard outside a waste disposal unit , coming up for air to declare the stuff just as peculiar as could be expected , ‘ as no two bottles are ever the same ’ .
6 It might finally be observed that in its short life , Article 100A , which derogates from Article 100 by allowing the Council to act by qualified majority in co-operation with the European Parliament in order to complete the internal market , has already been used to anticipate new competences expressly recognized in the Maastricht amendments : two of these relate to the encouragement of ‘ trans-European networks ’ and measures in the sphere of energy , yet Article 100A had already been used to enact Council Directive 90/547 on the transit of electricity through transmission grids and Council Directive 91/287 on the transit of natural gas through grids .
7 On Jan. 9 , however , only days after it had begun , the Brazilian Justice Minister , Gen. Saulo Ramos , announced that the operation had ended , a decision widely seen as a concession to mining interests .
8 The woods worst affected by the storms were those with mainly uniform , planted stands of trees , whereas those comprising trees of different ages and species were better able to withstand the high winds .
9 Yesterday 's drama came a year and a day after the North Yorkshire shootings in which Special Constable Glenn Goodman was killed and PC Sandy Kelly badly wounded by a hail of bullets fired by on-the-run IRA terrorist Paul Magee .
10 In addition , it has been shown that Ac-ASA is the form of the drug predominantly found in the rectal mucosa of patients taking oral sulphasalazine .
11 Precision and consistency are the keys to success : the half-dozen friers in the long kitchen discreetly tucked behind a panelled wall are obviously highly disciplined .
12 Kenneth Markham , who works for the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research , funded by the New Zealand government , analysed flavonoids , photo-protective pigments which are synthesised in plants when they are exposed to harmful UV-B radiation , the wavelength most affected by the depletion of stratospheric ozone .
13 The gradual extension of the state 's role in crime control certainly affected some sorts of crime , particularly property crime , but government institutions rarely worked in the ways intended by higher officials .
14 I do not remember whether we enlivened the day with a penny ride on a donkey round the White Stone pond but I regarded these donkeys with the respect and admiration rarely afforded by the keenest jockey for his mount and one of my day-dreams ( only once realised and then somehow a little disappointing ) was to save up three weeks ' pocket money and have a 3d ride in place of a Id one , which took you for at least a hundred yards along the Spaniards Road .
15 He opened up a correspondence with the more pliable officers among Dara 's army and with promises of rewards secretly won over a sizeable proportion of his opponent 's force .
16 In an age of central heating and renovation Greystones presumably featured as a rare unspoiled habitat .
17 The house had been furnished with a lot of money badly spent in a mixture of styles .
18 Antennae keenly tuned by the hopes of lucrative business , the new director , Bernard Herdan , was quoted in the Independent on Sunday as looking forward to even greater wonders : ‘ The day is not too far distant when we will be able to tell the ordinary public whether it is going to rain in their street within the next hour . ’
19 Are any weatherproof switches properly protected from the elements ?
20 And I returned to the States in considerable agitation : if national white media continued their de facto denial of his campaign , Jackson might really lose the game on grounds of fair-play relentlessly circumvented for the purpose of defeating him .
21 The Guardian disclosed in July that the Ministry of Agriculture secretly agreed to an investigation as soon as the US findings were known .
22 If by the late seventies the intellectual arguments of poststructuralism began to seem virtually unanswerable , resistance eventually crystallized around the question of history .
23 Cardiff slowly pushed at the door , widening the thin jet-black wedge .
24 Why is it , for example , that every single Trust employee above the level of gardener 's mate speaks with an exquisite Wykehamist accent of the kind rarely heard outside the better cavalry regiments ?
25 Ten minutes later , dressed in aqua-coloured jogging pants and a white T-shirt , her hair vigorously tamed into a ponytail and with trainers on her feet , Lindsey stepped out on to the crew deck into bright May sunshine and a temperature of seventy degrees .
26 These two patterns of behaviour both involve layers in which there is convection due to the driving component little modified by the presence of the other component .
27 The principal matter discussed by Kaifu during his tour of the region was the apportionment of Japanese financial support to those states worst affected by the crisis , the scale of which was intended to demonstrate Japan 's commitment to opposing the Iraqi action , even though the country was debarred by its Constitution from any overseas military involvement .
28 The mass rarely extended throughout the entire colon .
29 However , before considering the statements on the curriculum eventually produced by the DES let us summarise some of the issues of the ‘ debate ’ .
30 Even if there were no such provision expressly contained in the contract , such a right may be implied for very material breaches of warranty .
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