Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The third view of the company is one which has prevailed in the academic literature rather more forcefully than in company law doctrine itself .
2 A direct question may not always be the ideal approach — a hint or oblique reference can sometimes be better — but a direct approach will gain response much more often than people think .
3 It followed the discovery that many old people metabolise the drug much more slowly than normal .
4 As the Spring of 1963 gave way to Summer , one priority became uppermost in Whitaker 's mind — to get one script of each type of Doctor Who story together as soon as possible .
5 A company can protect information of this kind only so long as it is confidential to the business and not in the public domain .
6 These measures , derived from the basic data , contrasted the two groups much more clearly than did simple counts of frequency of behaviour in the original catalogue of 120 categories .
7 And banks reckon they can distribute life products much more cheaply than big insurers , which have costly and old-fashioned national sales networks .
8 We should proceed beyond the immediate results of experience only so far as legitimate inductions will take us .
9 Levels one and two are by far the commonest in education but there is a new type of partnership which appears to be developing and which may meet the needs of the future rather more fully than the other two — though those will always continue in existence because they fulfil real short term needs .
10 They should have had much better control and devised their computerisation rather more effectively than they did . ’
11 On the assumption that the account of this event in Molla Husrev 's life is at least broadly correct , however , and in the light of the documentary and such other evidence as exists , it would appear that he left for Bursa not earlier than Rajab 876 nor later than Shawwal 877 and returned to become Mufti perhaps as early as 878/1473–4 .
12 Nothing in soft conventionalism guarantees , or even promotes , the ideal of protected expectations , that past decisions will be relied on to justify collective force only so far as their authority and their terms are made uncontroversial by widely accepted conventions .
13 Modern publications were consulted by readers much more frequently than older material : 85% of all issues were twentieth-century publications , and 42% had been published only since 1970 .
14 Furthermore s. 2(4) European Communities Act 1972 provides that any Act of the Westminster Parliament shall be presumed not to conflict with EEC legislation , and will be given effect only so far as it does not conflict with the EEC legislation .
15 The pattern recognition should also be able to identify the beginnings of words much more accurately than at present , and more investigation of the efficacy of some measure of word length would be useful .
16 Meredith pressed her thighs together as tightly as she could , summoning up all her resolve .
17 If you eat more on some days and less on others , you will shed weight just as successfully as if you stuck to the same number of calories each day .
18 Now although such a rule is not part of my physical or material world , its existence constrains my action just as effectively as they do ; we can call this a constraint of the world of ideas .
19 And because the upper limit of a microscope 's resolving power depends on the wavelength of the waves illuminating the object under study , Sokolov suggested that an acoustic microscope should in theory be able to resolve images just as well as the standard optical system .
20 In general , too , rhythmic and temporal features of speech are ignored in transcriptions ; the rhythmic structure which appears to bind some groups of words more closely together than others , and the speeding up and slowing down of the overall pace of speech relative to the speaker 's normal pace in a given speech situation , are such complex variables that we have very little idea how they are exploited in speech and to what effect ( but , cf.
21 As it is , I have reservations about the application of the user interface in the Windows version , and will have to wait to see what the next version brings before I can make up my mind any more firmly than I can at present .
22 He had been going to convert it into flats but backed out of the deal nearly as fast as the second prospective buyer , who was a surveyor himself .
23 In the United States , the frame rate is 15 frames per second because the domestic electricity supply pulses slightly more rapidly than in Europe .
24 The Government has invested £1.1m to make CD-Rom technology available in schools and apart from being available in many North-East schools our CD-Rom is widely used in schools as far afield as St Albans and London .
25 ‘ It could be defined more as a jazz-funk fusion , drawing from influences as far apart as Miles Davis and Parliament .
26 Straining his neck as far forward as he could , he managed to push the window open several inches and , with another surge , wedged himself in the embrasure ; the spike on which the latch usually rested now sticking into his stomach .
27 Alyssia ended up looking forward to her lunch with André far more eagerly than she had originally thought possible .
28 WITH the object and intent of affording to the Vendor a full and sufficient indemnity but not further or otherwise the Purchaser hereby covenants with the Vendor that he the Purchaser and the persons deriving title under him will at all times hereafter duly observe and perform the covenants contained or referred to in the Conveyance so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and remain to be observed and performed and are capable of being enforced and will indemnity and keep indemnified the Vendor and his successors in title from and against all actions costs claims and demands in respect of any breach non-observance or non-performance thereof so far as aforesaid
29 In Andalusia , General Gonzalo Queipo de Llano occupied Seville on 18 July , while General Enrique Varela took the port of Cadiz and a long stretch of coast eastwards as far as Algeciras , close to Gibraltar .
30 In anything like calm weather either climb is a good bet , remaining in good condition far more often than many options of adjacent crags .
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