Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The benefit of this one as well is if , let's just say we , that you knocked him right down on his money force as cheap a buy as possible then ask if you can do a hundred percent .
2 All the energy and drive which gave to that campaign so electric a character in the first weeks of this year must find outlets for the same fundamental objectives in new , and yet familiar channels .
3 If we conceive of the least pleasant experience which is still a pleasure , then one way of quantifying its intensity would be by characterising the number of times more pleasant a pleasure is at a particular moment than that .
4 It therefore gives little hint of what makes its author so extraordinary a figure .
5 ‘ Oh , come on ! ’ he rapped , his chin jutting , aggression too mild a term for it .
6 Erm , but still getting , but we maybe getting a broader front on either focus too narrow a beam , sometimes it 's too difficult to get that narrow boat to be on exactly the right spot .
7 Cricket in Sri Lanka is indeed a tough job with the high humidity as big a factor as the near 100 degree temperatures and the weather does add extra pressure on England 's players at the end of a long and arduous tour as they try to regain a little bit of their lost pride .
8 The expectation was that IBM Corp would throw everything including the kitchen sink into its fiscal first quarter figures in order to give Louis Gerstner as clean a platform as possible on which to build — but the company unaccountably dressed the figures up a little , by taking a $95m tax credit in the quarter , without which the net loss would have been $380m ; interest charges in the first quarter declined by 12.5% to $305m .
9 Being treed by the great wonder-rabbi Shmuel ben Issachar might be written off as an occupational hazard ; being trapped — on an assignment officially aborted-by an undead amateur is unforgivable .
10 Make colour 1 any shade you like , but remember that this will be the colour of the design screen you will be working on , so try not to make the colour too violent a shade , as this can be tiring to the eyes .
11 In fact , the 16 million babies born each year in the rich world will have four times as great an impact on the world 's resources as the 109 million born in the poor world .
12 There 's a fellow called Sammy Meredith who 's every bit as good a sailor as I am . ’
13 From the 16v down , the three-door ZX is every bit as excellent an all-rounder as its five-door parent .
14 Styling himself ‘ Dr. Isaac Titford ’ , he had been commissioned surgeon ( not by any means so prestigious a profession then as now ) in the first battalion , Sixtieth Royal American Regiment , and had lived for a while in Virginia ; he was also giving his enterprising spirit full reign out there in the West Indies , fathering the odd quadroon or two , dabbling in the slave trade , a postmaster at Spanish Town , a partner in a firm of druggists in Kingston and the owner of a coffee and pimento plantation .
15 In England and Wales we are singularly placed to appreciate the relationship of scenery and structure , for few other parts of the earth 's surface show in a similar small area so great a diversity of rock types and of landscape features : " Britain is a world by itself " ; its mountains are not high , nor its rivers long , but within a few hundred miles of travel from east to west one may see more varieties of scenery than are to be found in many bigger countries .
16 The set prayers of the Church he defended not only as encouraged by Scripture but because their ‘ very form and solemnity helped that imbecility and weakness ’ which made individuals ‘ much less apt to perform unto God so heavenly a service with such affection of heart and disposition of our souls as is necessary ’ .
17 God has ‘ given all mankind so sufficient a light of reason , that they … could not ( whenever they set themselves to search ) either doubt of the being of a God , or of the obedience due to Him ’ .
18 Alexander Calder As sweet an exhibition as you can find in London .
19 I have included it among the general books because Michael and Lise Wallach offer as total a critique as I have seen recently of the assumptions underlying most psychology .
20 The ten diagonal chimneys rising from the steep pantiled roof are the finishing touch , making Allerthorpe as grand a farmhouse as you could find in all Yorkshire .
21 Classifying and even counting these institutions is by no means as simple a task as one might think .
22 And glory in the 1,000 Guineas may well be a lot more than just a warming winter thought because Dead Certain beat as competitive a field as there has been for a juvenile filly 's race for many years .
23 To me it meant the loss of the pure reputation I prized , the good name I had guarded — scandal most horrible a woman could face .
24 As she grew older , however , her face grew as well as her hips and bosom , but her way of looking as though she were about to burst out of her clothes became an asset rather thin a disadvantage .
25 ‘ It must seem impossible for you to believe that in a civilized society so abhorrent a practice as the enslaving of one person by another still continues , but I will ask you to try and imagine what it must be like .
26 Once at the first theatre , Dinah dismissed it , and gave the man too small a tip , for the first time in her life ; he scowled and spat as he drove off , and this disconcerted her ; never again , she swore , would she be short of money .
27 There were escapes so narrow a postcard could n't have got through them .
28 for the moment , however , the pattern of drug abuse in Britain remains as varied as ever — with home-produced drugs such as amphetamines as serious a problem as those that hit the headlines .
29 Oswald , whom Bede regarded as the fifth overlord of the peoples south of the Humber and described as ruling within the same bounds as Eadwine ( HE 11 , 5 ) , clearly became on this testimony as powerful a ruler as Eadwine had been , but on his accession he faced an immediate challenge in midland and eastern England from Penda .
30 Chapman was sure of his assessment , however ; and though James was just as fussy about the terms of his transfer as Jack had been , he found the bright lights of the big city too attractive a prospect to refuse Chapman 's offer .
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