Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [prep] part of " in BNC.

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1 His blanket roll , with the cartridge belt wrapped around it and the Spencer inside with part of the barrel and stock showing , was next to him .
2 Oxford schoolchildren have been taking a peek behind the scenes at Sainsburys today as part of the Green Consumer Day .
3 ‘ And the women who dig the roads have to go home and be screwed by their husbands afterwards as part of the job .
4 Please give the above your serious consideration and authorise the improvements to Scorton playing field equipment either as part of the Capital Programme or as an addition to the on-going refurbishment of playing fields which is now in progress in the borough .
5 FOUR groups of farmers and their wives came to Penrith mill recently as part of a continuing programme of visits for existing and potential customers scheduled throughout the summer .
6 Television presenter Lyn Spencer took the plunge off the edge of a building yesterday as part of International Women 's Week .
7 The French were particularly opposed to the re-creation of a German Army and , in October , Premier René Pleven announced that France would rearm German troops only as part of a ‘ European Army ’ which , by creating federal defence institutions , would prevent Germany regaining any military independence .
8 Responding to criticism from other political parties in his coalition government , Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti stressed that the two men , Mohammed Issa Abbas and Youssouf Ahmed Saad , had secured release about two years early as part of a general amnesty programme ; it was " fantasy " , he said , to suggest that their freeing only two weeks before the outbreak of hostilities in the Gulf was aimed at protecting Italy from terrorist attacks .
9 The colonic epithelium is in continuous contact with potentially carcinogenic compounds , which enter the body usually as part of the diet .
10 The guards were apparently not given any regular weapons training and I felt that they really carried the weapons more as part of their uniform and tradition than because of absolute necessity .
11 The restoration of musical priorities means that the Kyrie and the Gloria , which were key movements in settings of the Mass , have now returned to their former place simply as part of the Introductory Rite .
12 Ward had bought it four years earlier with part of the advance on one of his books .
13 Students of foreign languages , many of whom later become teachers , are normally required to spend an extended period abroad as part of their degree course .
14 The government announced on Oct. 2 that it was to postpone until the end of 1991 the enactment of a controversial bill which would have allowed Japan to send up to 2,000 troops abroad as part of its contribution to UN peacekeeping forces in Cambodia and elsewhere .
15 The controls , which laid down a minimum deposit for certain goods , restricted the amount of the finance charge which could be made and prohibited finance charges altogether for others , lingered on for a few years afterwards as part of what was still more or less a strictly managed war-time economy .
16 Eat sweet things only as part of a meal , then have something sweet once a day , then only on alternate days .
17 We are going to , but this is , you 've got a classification of continuous service so as part of your audit if it fails , then our corrective action in the future may be to put in this new erm , procedure and write the .
18 where deferred taxation relates to movements on reserves , transfers to and from deferred taxation separately as part of such movements
19 We considered media education largely as part of the exploration of contemporary culture , alongside more traditional literary texts .
20 THOUSANDS of miners will be on strike today as part of their continuing campaign against pit closures .
21 Both the beauty and ecological importance of this area of southern California are clear enough and just three months ago , George Bush , a former oil man , banned further oil development here as part of a general moratorium that covered several coastal areas .
22 ‘ A woman sees the home as her base and she dresses to complement that environment almost as part of the decoration .
23 But those of us who deal with bureaucratic institutions simply as part of normal life , while we may find it frustrating , even demeaning , can at least retreat into the private institutions of our family where , if we are lucky , we will find acceptance , support and warmth .
24 The unanimously selected winner was Julie McDonnel who calls at the branch regularly as part of her job at Harwell 's Social Club .
25 Still to come : two students from the Eastern Bloc start courses at Oxford Poly today as part of the new scholarship scheme .
26 Black Five No. 45491 has arrived from Fleetwood , Standard Class 4 Tank No. 80080 has temporarily departed from Butterley Park to Folkestone where she worked as banking engine on the Harbour Branch there as part of the centenary celebrations of the line .
27 I would have thought it would have been better in the introduction rather as part of the minutes , would you not have thought so ?
28 A MOBILE breast-screening unit arrived in Darlington yesterday as part of a programme to screen almost 5,000 women aged between 50 and 64 .
29 The working hypothesis examined here was the proposition that NSEs would perform at least as well as standard entrants ( SEs ) In this part of the study the authors considered AEs both as part of the NSE category and as a separate group .
30 Brighton caused controversy by proposing to teach full-time and sandwich students together for part of the time .
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