Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] had a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the spare bedroom I had a demountable work-bench with a vice and an array of small tools .
2 It had even been easy following them from the racecourse , as when I went out to where my driver had parked his car I had a clear view from a distance of Daffodil at the exit gate being spooned into a royal blue Rolls-Royce by Filmer and her chauffeur .
3 ‘ And when I 'd parked the car I had an overwhelming urge to kiss you . ’
4 Through its low branches I had a latticed view of the buildings that made up my home .
5 When I started discussions with the social services department I had an open mind about the service to be delivered .
6 In this light she had a washed-out look : colourless hair and face , even lips and eyes .
7 When people queried whether Eva 's alert mind would get bored repeating the same course every couple of months she had a ready answer .
8 Just to be on the safe side we had a long rope attached to the raft and tied round a tree on the bank so that if the Indians lost control the rope would pull it to a stop .
9 On Tuesday we had a first-class Budget , a Budget for recovery .
10 Okay you 're absolutely right er we did play that at the beginning of the programme we had a little trouble with our C D what happened there Stuart it went off the air did n't it ?
11 As a result we had a demoralised and demotivated workforce and needed a completely fresh start — a sign that things were going to work differently .
12 From the roof they had a splendid view , not only of the proceedings below but also over the houses in King Street and Parliament Street , which forked at the end of Whitehall and led into Parliament Square .
13 erm in the days when they had terraced houses back to back terraced houses erm well anywhere in the country I guess but but where I come from it was fine for the people who lived with their doors on the on the road but the people who lived at the other side of the block they could n't get from the road so every so often down the down the terrace they had a little alley way an entry I think you 'd probably call it in Scotland , do n't they ?
14 If York or London needed Bell or Ramsey they had a moral duty to move whether or not they wanted it .
15 Short , playing black , dominated the game throughout , and at the end of the first session of play on Tuesday he had a clear advantage in an endgame with superior pieces and a very strong passed pawn .
16 Though he had no great stock of small talk he had a great store of commonplaces , which could be adapted to any subject .
17 Needless to say , being a Finnish car it had a left-hand drive .
18 Once you get out of car and I thought it was a dog that she had , bu did n't have , she did n't have a dachshund he had a little
19 Even in daylight it had a sombre , suspicious air as if it wished to slink back from the adjoining houses .
20 It acquired and developed the original photocopier technology and in its heyday it had a virtual monopoly and made huge profits .
21 No wonder I had a fat face .
22 There was sliding down the banisters , toys left on the stairs , a new untidiness , a quickening of life and , sometimes , in the hurdy-gurdy I had a strange sense of ‘ presences ’ , two other children , silent , well-behaved .
23 I carried out stone from the cave , and after many days ' hard work I had a large cave in the side of the hill .
24 The toilets and bathrooms and showers were at the end of the hall on the second floor , and from my window I had a splendid view of the cathedral , whose Gothic , Renaissance and baroque styles mingled perfectly in the dark-rose-and-amber stone to give it almost the appearance of some natural rock formation .
25 It was empty , but at the corner where the lamplight was reflected in Robson 's shop window I had a brief impression of a fleeing form and a faint echo of laughter .
26 Without my shoes I had an obvious limp .
27 One day in January I had a free afternoon , as Adèle was ill , so I decided to walk to Hay , a village two miles away , to post a letter for the housekeeper .
28 As a child I had a Japanese black-lacquered box , inlaid with a moon in mother-of-pearl , shimmering above dark islands .
29 During the campaign she had a high-profile role as the woman who was prepared to keep tight control over the purse strings and demonstrate Labour 's readiness for Government by rejecting demands from her Shadow Cabinet colleagues for excessive spending .
30 b She had a fresh complexion .
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