Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had to tag him on to group deals as a makeweight — you know , like the contract I did for twelve of my players with UK Airlines .
2 Whatever reply I find for that one , obviously it is not going to be
3 somebody 's Chronicle I borrowed for some reason
4 I apply a multiplier of nine , it follows that the figure I allow for this period is five hundred and thirty four thousand seven hundred and ninety seven pounds and sixty four pence and the total cost of future care is therefore eight hundred and ninety four thousand seven hundred and ninety seven pounds and sixty four pence .
5 Nineteen fifty one , we moved in , er and , I 've had , you 're not the first person to come all round here , this house , they used , they used to come round in shows from the Corporation all visitors used to come , they used to say , right Jean can we bring them round we 've had people from Germany and everywhere and being in the architect 's department I fell for all this you know I had
6 I think perhaps it is the cocaine I keep for medical purposes , pure , straight cocaine .
7 The pictures she shot for the cinema were negligible compared to the pictures she shot for pure publicity .
8 Knowing what a talent you have for these things , you 'll probably have it sorted out in two ticks . ’
9 If you like the alternative you search for another like that , and so on .
10 In Bucharest she sat for 48 hours in her hotel , waiting for word from her Romanian solicitor .
11 The skills of salesmanship and political demagogy are virtually the only methods we have for changing perception .
12 Age is no longer the benchmark criterion we use for distinguishing people .
13 Living up to other people 's signalled expectations is often a pleasure/pain experience : pleasure in the recognition we receive for satisfying others ' expectations , pain in the sense that we lose some of our independence and freedom .
14 For April 6 is also the day when the over 60s will be eligible for tax relief on the premiums they pay for private medical insurance .
15 MORE than 60 people have died and 600 are ill after eating poisonous toadstools they mistook for wild mushrooms in the Ukraine .
16 The Queen for her own part will have to face up to the fact that , however perfect her public role , she has dismally failed in private to give her children the guidance they needed for stable marriages .
17 In summary then , the reasons for choosing The Machine Gunners include the opportunities it offers for various aspects of personal involvement on the part of the reader and its curricular potentials with regard to related topic , theme , and language work .
18 Partnerships should look at the case for an education service , in terms of the opportunities it presents for sensible planning , provision for population migration and demographic change , best use of scarce and expensive resources , effective curriculum and professional development , smooth transition between the ages and stages of education , and quality education for all those with special educational needs .
19 Little by little , however , the force of this long glen beneath the austere greyness of the Five Sisters touched Johnson , and he moved his position from that of first considering the political role of such remoteness , and the opportunities it gave for military strategies and subsequent escapes — Glenshiel had been the scene of a battle fifty-four years earlier in which local Highlanders unsuccessfully reinforced a Spanish invasion force — to being lulled by the sight of so many waters , brooks , burns , and silver rivulets , ‘ which commonly ran with a clear shallow stream over a hard pebbly bottom ’ .
20 . they were the last words he spoke for 2 and a half years
21 IF the sophisticated modern diesel engine now makes economic sense for small cars , the savings it offers for bigger cars are more worthwhile .
22 In the time of King Edward it answered for six sulings and now for two and a half , there is arable of seven teams , in demesne , there are three teams and fifteen villians with nine bordari have six teams .
23 COMIC Lenny Henry rivals the grin on the trophy he won for best TV comedy at the Radio Times Comedy and Drama Awards in London yesterday .
24 Not least important is the constructive alternative it offers for alienated youth .
25 If I could speak French like François Mitterrand I probably would n't have the empathy I do for young horses .
26 She was last seen alive on Tuesday evening after calling time at the pub she managed for Warrington-based Walker 's Brewery ,
27 ‘ I 'd like that dance you asked for earlier . ’
28 Hour and a half you get for that .
29 Choose the mat thickness you need for proper comfort level .
30 But I can remember the er a big tub in the floor and everybody sitting and er paring peeling potatoes you know for this .
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