Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh adv] [adv] she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 But she would often tell friends how keenly she felt a responsibility not just for her employees ' jobs , but for their health , their mortgages , their children 's educations and the entire survival of the rural community in Carno .
2 Those letters would be bound to point out to Gina how badly she 'd treated him , telling her to reform and to save her marriage if they were religious , or else saying that she deserved it if he got someone else .
3 She was alone in the house with Julius , and no one was going to come hurrying to her rescue , no matter how loudly she shouted .
4 There was a slow sensuous laziness to his movements contradicted by the dangerously hard angles of his face , the flashing darkness of his eyes which no matter how covertly she looked at him seemed to be gazing at her .
5 She had a string of boyfriends and no matter how badly she treated them there were always others lined up and waiting .
6 That accusation was like a blow to the midriff , still as hurtful as ever , no matter how often she heard it .
7 No matter how often she sunbathed , her skin was always very white .
8 And he would n't explain that remark , no matter how much she pestered him .
9 But , no matter how much she wished to avoid returning to Mariánské Láznë , the answer kept coming back again and again that that was her only option .
10 There was no way now that Fenella was going to get my body no matter how much she begged , not as long as Lisabeth was on same continent .
11 But no matter how much she tried she could not prevent the shift in perceptions towards her .
12 But it was too late ; large tears rolled down her cheeks and , no matter how swiftly she swiped them away and pretended they were n't there , they just kept on coming .
13 When pouring , it had been impossible to line up the bottles with the glasses , no matter how close she held the neck of a bottle to the rim of a glass .
14 But because of the storm the hatches had been battened down and no matter how hard she searched she could not find a way out of the hold .
15 But , no matter how hard she fought to squash it , a flicker of excitement continued to torment her , like the buzz of a mosquito that just would n't go away .
16 No matter how hard she protested that The Delinquents was not soft porn , the film transformed her into the sex-siren she secretly desired to become .
17 She swayed to and fro ; she almost slipped down onto the ground beside the dead queen in the mud but Finn kept hold of her no matter how hard she struck at him , lightly clasping her shoulders so that she would not fall .
18 The world , thought Wilson that night , was crumbling around her no matter how hard she tried .
19 No matter how hard she tried to make the most of herself Sally had always been aware that she could not hope to rival Paula and the knowledge had damaged her self-confidence so that she always lived with the feeling that people on meeting her for the first time would exclaim behind after back : ‘ Paula 's sister ?
20 Beside him , Melanie was acutely conscious of her clumsy hands and the long legs she could not arrange elegantly , no matter how hard she tried .
21 The bride herself remaining calm throughout , her mother , who had prayed so ardently for this day , finding herself utterly overcome by it ; having slept not a wink , of course , the night before and melting into tears — of anxiety , of joy , of overwrought nerves — the moment she got out of bed ; unable , no matter how hard she tried , to do her own soft , fair hair to her satisfaction and suffering a sudden and quite dreadful conviction that the powder-blue taffeta she had ordered from Miss Ernestine Baker was somehow not right .
22 She possessed a vivid imagination , but somehow , no matter how hard she tried , she could not envisage herself ever calling this man Alexander .
23 But what made her feel even guiltier was the simple fact that , somehow , no matter how hard she tried , she could n't imagine Arnie lying with her in the big blue bed .
24 The door would n't open , no matter how hard she shoved .
25 She had no idea how long she had been there when a movement in the undergrowth made her look up .
26 She had no idea how long she stayed there , simply gazing into the beautiful sea-blue eyes which had become more important than life itself to her , but everything she saw there somehow made all of her doubts , all of her fears just slide away , leaving her lighter of heart than she could ever remember being .
27 As she descended the stairs , she appreciated for the first time how far she had fallen from grace .
28 In a very little , it would be the time when once she had used to sit with Mama …
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