Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The possibility of the CNT 's evolving in a more moderate direction , if not a strong one , certainly existed .
2 As a result of the threatened strike — in which the women 's participation would have been crucial — Neill 's came to a separate agreement with the men , signed the memorial and thus dropped out of the dispute during the month of August .
3 " Those early dayes ' refers to a latent discourse referent .
4 We need clergy who are former pupils of St Hugh 's to assist in a concelebrated mass and to pledge support for the future .
5 Will McLewin rolls into town 40 minutes late , parks his battered VW van on double yellow lines in Llanberis High Street and wanders into Pete 's Eats with a mirthful , wondering , combative expression on a face I once compared to a quick and breathing version of Norman Tebbit 's .
6 ‘ The diamond on her third finger makes Liz Taylor 's look like a bauble from Woolies !
7 The clanging from the blacksmith 's rang like a bell through the air ; somewhere a child cried , the son or daughter of one of the garrison .
8 If the analyst chooses to italicise a word in his transcription to indicate , for example , the speaker 's high pitch and increased loudness , he has performed an interpretation on the acoustic signal , an interpretation which , he has decided , is in effect equivalent to a writer 's underlining of a word to indicate emphasis .
9 Prompted no doubt by Danchet 's keeping to a single mood in each episode , Campra 's large-scale tonal contrasts are sharpest in Hébé .
10 In her enchanting story of The Velveteen Rabbit , Margery Williams ' tells of a cloth rabbit who longs to be more than just a toy .
11 In addition to this more or less regular sort of investiture , there seem to have been investitures on a number of special occasions , both state occasions such as the accession of a sultan , a victory or the birth of a prince , where the right of investiture extended to a number of scholars , and also more personal occasions such as a scholar 's acceding to a high learned office , where the right of investiture was limited to the individual involved .
12 Clothing sets up a hierarchical order founded on a father 's liking for a child .
13 But excitement turned to horror when the trail led to a woman 's remains in a shallow grave .
14 Kate Campbell 's began with a raffle .
15 Lucy said ruefully , gratefully lowering herself on to a floral-cushioned , wicker-backed sofa in the conservatory and reluctantly submitting to Virginia 's fussing with a footstool , ‘ Is Mrs Chalk still there ?
16 Governor 's serve in a voluntary capacity and are unlikely to turn up at meetings if they are dull events where they are expected to contribute nothing except approval and applause .
17 Since ESS 's arise from a dynamics , there is no assumption of rationality any more than there is in the case of kin selection .
18 There has also been criticism of the Government 's shifting from a pilot scheme it has been running since 1989 , in which secondary teachers have been linking with primary staff in 76 schools to provide their specialist input .
19 Both show potential , but Farthing 's effort winds up little more than a diagrammatic doodle and Thompson 's feels like a hip TV sketch .
20 Two servants , their mouths and noses covered by rags , removed Cosmas 's remains in a canvas sheet .
21 The monastery of St Paul 's stood on a slight rise .
22 McDonald 's belongs to a federation of companies in the same business and the area man takes it for granted that the firm 's competitors will soon hear about the relaxed consent and apply to the agency for similar leniency .
23 Into this arena then a book like Petch 's comes as a tremendous boost to the debate , in that not only does it provide an excellent summary of this area of community care policy ( including Scottish policy ) , but it also goes into the microcosms of eleven supported accommodation projects and looks at how such policy works in practice .
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