Example sentences of "[noun] [n mass] [Wh pn] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This contrast between ‘ culture ’ and ‘ nature ’ , as Lévi-Strauss phrases it ( although both are of course cultural conceptions ) , can be illustrated by the Lele people who inhabit the Kasai region of the Congo basin in central Africa .
2 An appealing prospect for Institute staff who like a challenge .
3 Hospitals in inner city areas are sometimes protected by security staff who have an additional responsibility for the safety of residents in staff accommodation .
4 Business people who enter the public service often have unrealistic expectations about the relationship with politicians .
5 Small wonder that the presence of Guinness is felt all over Ireland ; for Guinness is fully interwoven in the fabric of Irish life , from the farmers who grow the barley to the many artists , musicians and sports people who enjoy the benefits of Guinness 's involvement in over 100 festivals and cultural events around Ireland each year .
6 It 's crammed full of stunning photographs capturing the grandeur of the Nepalese Himalaya and the vibrant culture of the Sherpa people who inhabit the area .
7 Farmers wishing to sell finished stock on the hoof contact the company 's field staff who video the animals intended for sale .
8 M My Lords , first of all the there are a number of reports out now very erm good reports that do encourage primary schools to look and exploit the specialisms of the teachers on their staff and that would cover of course people who have a specialism in teaching this subject and it is also true , sadly in the case of some schools who wo n't allow er people who are specialists in the subject and can speak about it with authority for example er local vicars and priests and , and faith healers who can come in help in a school , but where those schools do ex exploit the expertise in the community , the school is enriched by that .
9 You know it is you do need that quality people who have a bit of insight but got a lot of those
10 Many of us have the idea of Australians , above all , being people who call a spade a spade .
11 However , Dr Clarke was quoted as saying : ‘ There are BNP people who relish a good scrap but they are more than matched by militant left thugs . ’
12 The elaborate leaving cards prepared for colleagues going on to new jobs or retiring are a remarkable testimony to the good humour of advertising people who see the comedy in the serious daily " grind " of their work .
13 It 's important to stress the relationship with Social Services , in that the Agency staff who link the very wide range of people from Social Services , often those people who hold local budgets and are in a position , using the funding that we have allocated to diverse things , to come up with creative solutions for , for er , keeping people at home rather than in , in institutional care .
14 Many of the needs described above require the involvement of a school staff who have an understanding of and commitment to the benefits of linking with the world beyond school .
15 2.1 This proposal applies to all full time staff who secure a job as a Council Tax Assistant .
16 Roger : For some time people who study the labour market have been recommending using money paid as benefit , to subsidise the cost of helping unemployed people back into work .
17 The Profitboss knows the value of an excellent working environment and will fight hard against the narrow-minded finance people who demand a detailed profit justification for investing half a million in improved conditions .
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