Example sentences of "[noun] [am/are] so [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 the forces of the countries of the socialist camp are so great today and they are so strong economically that they can fully take upon themselves , on the basis of the development of normal trade relations , the provision of Cuba with all the necessary goods which are denied her by the United States … the Soviet Union is prepared to deliver oil and other goods in amounts fully meeting the requirements of Cuba , in exchange for Cuban goods .
2 The cars are so close together in the street that it 's like a river .
3 Stoppard 's stage directions are so explicit here that we do not have to watch the TV production in order to appreciate the impact of Anderson 's action .
4 The lines are so close together that two of them can be seen crossing the planet Jupiter at any one time .
5 So you 're working out what your fractions are so forty over a hundred is four times ten lots of four over ten lots of ten .
6 The Earth and the Moon are so close together that it has been estimated that the exposure of both planets to asteroids and comet debris has been much the same .
7 ‘ The audiences are so young now , ’ says Myra , ‘ lots of 16-year-olds .
8 People are so kind today .
9 In summary , these are : i ) low-income countries will not lose so much in the way of earnings if their population is damaged by pollution , since wages are so low anyway ; ii ) under-populated countries in regions such as Africa are effectively " under-polluted " compared to urbanized areas such as Los Angeles or Mexico City — ideally , there should be a " world-welfare-enhancing trade in air pollution and waste " ; and iii ) environmental concern , on health and aesthetic grounds , is much more acute in high-income countries than in the third world , where direct alleviation of poverty is seen as more pressing .
10 There are some excellent villages , like Iholdy , where the church and the frontón are so close together they seem to be one building , and the church has an unusual , very charming wooden gallery attached to the side wall .
11 ‘ The spring flowers are so lovely now , ’ Ianthe went on .
12 The problem sheets are so difficult now nobody can do them and they usually just wait until the answers come out every week and usually it 's just a case of copying them down .
13 The catalogues produced by manufacturers and distributors of water pumps are so complex now that they can become difficult territory for the uninitiated , so advice should be sought from all quarters .
14 Also there are many binaries in which the components are so close together that no telescope will separate them , and they betray their true nature only by means of the spectroscope .
15 This is because the two components are so close together that they almost touch , and presumably gravitational strains mean that each is distorted into the shape of an egg .
16 It is yellowish , with a G-type spectrum , and is actually a close binary , though the components are so close together that no ordinary telescope will separate them .
17 It is actually a binary , but the two components are so close together that they can not be separated with ordinary telescopes .
18 Gas tanks are so expensive though for automatic guns .
19 It is astonishing , considering this turbulent history , that the remains of the palace are so extensive today .
20 ‘ The twins are so happy now , which is the only thing that matters .
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