Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The council provides the site , I take care of their £400,000 investment which in the current economic climate they ca n't find , and the LTA gives me their £200,000 grant to run it .
2 ‘ Women and Film ’ , to quote the title of E. Ann Kaplan 's ( 1983 ) important book on feminist film theory and criticism , defines a field of study which in the past fifteen to twenty years has been expanding rapidly .
3 Even the most well-intentioned and politically sensitive non-governmental organizations found themselves supporting projects which in the long term strengthened individuals rather than communities , unrealistically raised expectations or created unintended dependency relationships .
4 Conceptions which in the 1960s might have precipitated a ‘ forced ’ marriage now either lead to abortion or , increasingly , to births in non-marital unions , concerning which more will be said later .
5 That just depicts the same structure in terms of constituents and sub-constituents , so the whole thing is a sentence which in the bracketing notation just has the sentence with its bracket and the other bracket 's way down the other end , and this is mirrored by the label sentence occurring at the top of the tree , it means it covers everything below it roughly .
6 Curiously , he was not deported , a sentence which in the two years immediately after the war was handed down to at least fifty young people who had come over on the Kindertransporte .
7 Money which in the sixteenth century had played merely a marginal , though a necessary part , now became the one thing necessary for the maintenance of life …
8 Can we wait for prosperity and education to keep mankind in check ; so the humble villager , the wretched dweller in the shantytown does n't choose the traditional , unthinking , long-term option of a dozen children , the decision which in the long term destroys both them and theirs ?
9 I am thinking , for example , of the city of Belfast and other urban areas throughout Northern Ireland which in the past year have suffered more than ever from air pollution .
10 Tatian was also influential for making a harmony of the four gospels which in the Syriac-speaking churches of the East long remained the standard lectionary text .
11 Ministers took a similarly careful line on the issue of interest rates [ see pp. 37977-78 ; 38314 ] , noting that " those countries which in the future experience better than expected inflation performance may have a basis for an easing of monetary conditions and interest rates without jeopardizing the commitment to price stability and exchange rate objectives " .
12 An arbitrary temperature T o is first chosen to serve as a reference which in the present case is 298 K. As values of the relaxation modulus have been measured at widely differing temperatures , they must be corrected for changes in the sample density with temperature to give a reduced modulus , where ρ and ρ o are the polymer densities at T and T o respectively .
13 Governments were becoming increasingly unwilling to tolerate many of the ambiguities , compromises and uncertainties which in the fifteenth , sixteenth and even seventeenth centuries had often been the essence of relations between them .
14 These meetings were often passionate affairs : the deadening decorum which in the twentieth century has come to be identified with religious gatherings did not prevail in the nineteenth century .
15 He had also , however , as Churchill perceived , conceded to Gandhi and the Congress movement a degree of recognition of their importance which in the long run could do the British no good .
16 They may also deliberately maintain extra production capacity so that potential entrants can see that any attempt at entry will be matched by a sharp increase in production by existing firms , forcing price reductions which in the short run will be unprofitable for all but which may bankrupt the entrant first .
17 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
18 The canton of Glarus lies between this mountain barrier in the south and , in the north , the Walensee ( lake ) and the Linth Canal which in the short northern plain links Walensee with the eastern extension of Lake Zurich which is known as the Obersee , ( ie , Upper Lake ) The canal also drains former marshland between these two lakes Glarus , though one of the smallest cantons , is often described as an epitomy of Switzerland as a whole in that it has three geographical sectors : a vast area of mountain country , a moderate stretch of rolling upland plateau capable of settlement what the Swiss call Mittel-land ( literally , middle-land ) and a small area of real lowland .
19 Supporters of the ANL in the NorthEast are particularly concerned about the ambitions of the BNP including the intention to field a General Election candidate in Darlington and racial attacks which in the past year have included nailing a pig 's head to a synagogue in Sunderland and a similar attack in South Shields .
20 Curiously it was the less forward-looking G major Sonata which in the faster figuration of its flanking movements once or twice had me longing for the greater clarity of a modern grand — likewise its greater ability to sing in the slow movement .
21 However , it was precisely the lack of consensus about Thebes ' — or anybody else 's — leadership which in the fifth century led to federalism of so unusual and developed a kind , and which gave Boiotia the cohesion , and the manpower , to defeat Sparta at Leuktra in 371 .
22 Section 1 of the Registered Designs Act 1949 , as amended , defines registrable designs as being : … features of shape , configuration or ornament applied to an article by any industrial process , being features which in the finished article appeal to and are judged by the eye .
23 These are merely convenient labels to attach to forms of observing people which in the actual live situation are unlikely to be found in a ‘ pure ’ form .
24 It was a town of about 2000 people which in the 1750s served a wide inland area , with a deep-sea fishing fleet and a reasonable coastal trade , considering that it lacked a harbour .
25 It set the tone of the renewed debate which in the coming decade was to divide Western Europe even further , at the same time as setting in motion a groundswell that eventually produced the European Community .
26 The solution adopted in both cases was to look to the transaction the parties to which typically carried on business in different States and to ignore the transaction which in the typical case was domestic .
27 A surge of adrenaline which in the primeval swamp prepared the body to fight or flee .
28 On Feb. 20 , 1990 , Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. , a brokerage firm which in the 1980s had successfully dealt in junk bonds until its collapse following insider dealing and fraud cases [ see pp. 36582-83 ] , officially filed for bankruptcy .
29 In 1985 he had set up a consultancy firm which in the past year had advised the government on privatization .
30 It covers much new material , including letters which have never before been published , a number of long lost works which in the past few years have resurfaced from museum storerooms in the former Soviet Union , and works newly discovered in international private collections .
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