Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is a class of materials called type I superconductors which below a certain critical temperature ( around the normal boiling-point of liquid helium
2 It has been a particular source of worry that sales of the magazine have been so low ; in fact on the current issue we made a considerable loss which as a small Society is very difficult to cover .
3 ‘ Sometimes in a small community — and ours is very small — passions which in a wider context would be dissipated become distilled and reduced to poison .
4 … the standard of conduct required from a director in relation to dealings with a shareholder will differ depending upon all the surrounding circumstances and the nature of the responsibility which in a real and practical sense the director has assumed towards the shareholder .
5 I 'm not above all this , still boasting about my San Diego built glass-shafted driver which on a good day hits with a snap .
6 I am convinced that if the hon. Gentleman were ever in a position of responsibility in the House — the likelihood of which is becoming increasingly remote — he would also find himself advised that it would be foolish to put before the House proposals which in a few weeks or months might fall outside the law .
7 " It 'll be good for a giggle , as Charlie says , " she concluded , with a look which on a lesser woman could have been called coy .
8 It was another medievalist , under Tolkien 's influence , who gave utterance to the view that ‘ Literature stops in 1100 ; after that there 's only books , ’ but they were sentiments which in a crude way echoed Tolkien 's own position .
9 There are an awful lot of children in the United Kingdom in fact who are living in the sort of poverty and who 's parents are living in the sort of poverty which in a rich country like our own , should not be tolerated .
10 But this would still fail to resolve the outstanding obstacle which to a greater or lesser extent was incorporated in earlier Western neutralisation plans — the attitude of the indigenous Afghan resistance groups .
11 Thus myth is the necessary consequence of science , even its purpose ; and the demand for knowledge which on a lower level is hostile to art ultimately becomes a need for art .
12 He then holds up his own ideal , a calculated inversion which in a normal man might be the text for a denunciation of what Cicero called the treachery ‘ lurking under the false show of loyal service ’ : At this point , normally , the attack on evil would be made ; but Iago unconcernedly identifies himself with this group : ‘ These fellows have some soul , /And such a one do I profess myself ’ ( 53ff . ) .
13 The autobiographical source of the novel also goes some way to explaining the method of presentation of Antoine 's character which at a personal level reflects a tension between a father and a son , and at a historical level reflects a tension between two different epochs .
14 But why this peculiar organization of the horseman 's day which to a large extent cut across the hours of the other workers on the farm ?
15 At first sight it seems inconceivable to apply a Convention to a transaction having no point of contact whatsoever with a Contracting State , yet that is precisely the effect which ULIS sought to achieve .
16 Throughout the trading session completed trades are cleared through the CBoT Clearing Corporation which as a separate legal entity provides a counterparty guarantee for all trades .
17 In an amplified state it is generally referred to as ‘ expanded consciousness ’ — a condition that allows us to process through our nervous system , information from the environment which during a normal state of consciousness is totally inaccessible .
18 Even more vigorous support came from The Building News which in a leading article on 18th February attacked the attitudes of Palmerston and Tite during the first debate , and made the incorrect comment that Hope had said that Manners was only following Stanley 's lead in choosing Scott for the Foreign Office .
19 It is a vision which in a simple way the RE we do in schools can offer to pupils .
20 It had to be ‘ a real government which at a later point could even become a coalition ’ .
21 Such attacks were reinforcing the pressures on time and space which in a changing economy were restricting the room allowed to traditional recreational forms .
22 It has been my experience that Boards , with depressing regularity , have received submissions which on a first reading look structurally ingenious but on close analysis are found to be padded out with individual syllabuses that are academically lightweight and have little or no functional relation to the structure they are supposed to illuminate … something is disastrously wrong with planning procedures when staff only partially understand or accept the rationale of a course and a visiting party finds a farrago of assorted bits and pieces behind a facade occasionally breathtaking in its baroque audacity .
23 He did not know of it , a thought which after a few minutes occurred to Wainfleet when Wickham encountered him in the pub .
24 The type of drills and the order in which you construct them will depend on the structure of the new language and also on your own language background which to a certain extent determines in what area you will find difficulties .
25 She had found an explanation of events which satisfied her , an explanation which in a curious way brought her contentment .
26 But our interest in Peter 's story is represented by a relatively small but important matter which in a negative way affects the happiness of Peter 's home life .
27 What is equally clear among business men is that they have no enthusiasm whatever for a Labour Government .
28 It represents , however , a retreat from the basic principle that the price of limited liability should be full financial disclosure — a principle which after a long struggle , was adopted in the 1967 Act .
29 I walked across that way , over the crest of the island , easy walking on wind-swept turf which in a short distance sloped gently down towards the head of the cliffs , where clouds of sea-birds were already wheeling and screaming at my approach .
30 It was one of those events which at a crucial stage in one 's development arrive to challenge and stretch one to the limit of one 's ability and beyond , so that thereafter one has new standards by which to judge oneself .
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